Chapter 37

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I woke up screaming.
It took me a while to realise that everything was fine. Until then dad ran into my room with a baseball bat.
"What's wrong?! Who do I have to deal with? Where are they?!" he yelled as he looked around my room and outside.
I stared at him.
"You okay pumpkin?" he sat next to me.
"Y-yeah... Just a bad dream." I said shrugging.
He put his baseball down and hugged me.
"Care to share?" he smiled.
I chuckled but shrugged. "Well... I was walking on the street when I got a call that Lucy is in hospital on life support bc of an accident... I ran into hospital for them to tell me she died... While I was sitting there you and mom were rushed in bc of some kind of poisoning but you both survived... Then Riker called me to meet him at his place and when I got there I saw Alexis pointing a gun at him... When she saw me she said that I'll pay for her losses bc it was my fault and she shot him..." I started crying "I tried to save him but he was gone... Then I was finally sick of her hurting me and I hit her... Then they arrested her and but you bailed me out... When I got out the Lynches blamed me for Riker's death so they started hurting me... Then Alexis' hussband got to me and kidnapped me and tortured me.... You found me and tried to save me but he killed you... That's when I woke up..." by the time I finished the story I was bawling my eyes out.
Dad just sat there shocked and not knowing what to say. After a while he hugged me tight.
"Calm down sweetie... It was just a really really bad dream... Nothing of those things won't happen... We're all fine" he said while rubbing my back.
I calmed myself for a bit so dad got up and made me lay down.
"You'll be okay... I'll be right here sweetie." he sat in the chair next to my bed.
"Thanks dad." I said.
He gave me a small smile "anything for you angel."
I fell back asleep.
I woke up next morning feeling a lot better. I also found dad sleeping on the floor... He must've fall asleep in the chair. I chuckled and he woke up.
"What am I doing on the floor? Ouch!" He said as he got up and streched.
I laughed. "That's a good question I don't have an answer to."
He looked at me. "Good morning sweetie. Slept well? Feeling better?" he asked.
"Good morning daddy, yes after that and a lot better." I saidnand he smiled.
"I'll leave you to get ready for school then." he said and headed to the door.
I frowned and fake-coughed. "Actually I'm feeling worse-"cough"- I don't think I can go to school today..." cough again.
He gave me the are-you-serious look and left me to dress up....
I frowned again and dressed up. I came downstairs to see dad reading... I mean sleeping-reading newspapers and mom laughing quietly at him.
I slowly walked to her and whispered a good morning. She smiled.
"Good morning sweetie! Slept well?" she said and hugged me.
"Good morning mommy! I did and you?" I smiled and hugged back.
"Yup... Your dad wasn't there to take the covers for himself" she said.
"I never so that!" dad said... I guess he's awake?
"You always do that!" mom said
"Do not!" - "Do too!" they argued like little kids. I rolled my eyes.
"Guys! I'll be late to school if someone won't drive me!" I said.
They stopped and pouted.
"Fine." dad said shrugging and turned around to take his keys while mom made faces behind his back. I chukled.
"Let's go sweetie! Bye honey!" he kissed mom and he opened the door for me.
"Thanks" I said and got out walking to his car. He unlocked it and I sat down. He sat next to me and started driving to school.
"Dad... When did Riker leave?" I asked him remembering Riker brought me home.
"After you fell asleep he did too in that chair... I woke him up and told him to go home. So he went. He said he'll text you" dad said driving.
I checked my phone. A.... Lot of messages from Riker. All asking me if I was alright and how I am...
I texted him "good morning! Xx I'm a lot better than yesterday... Hope the chair was comfortable enough... Pick me up after school?"
I knew he was still asleep but he'll check the phone eventually. We got to my school.
I got out and took my bag "thanks dad" I smiled.
"Wait wait wait! Come back here and give your old man a hug" he said.
I chuckled and came back and gave him a hug .
"You ain't that old." I said.
"You're saying that just bc I'm your ride..." he asid as he drove off.
I turned around and saw Lucy standing in front of me with crossed arms.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"Who's that?" she asked.
"My dad?" I said.
She stopped. "Huh?" she asked.
"Adding that to the list of things I need to explain." I shrugged as the school bell marked the beggining of another horror day....

Sorry for shortness and lack of action... It's late and I'm tired and I wanted to update... Hope you liked it anyway and enjoyed the chapter❤

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