Chapter 27

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*skipping to the next morning*
I woke up in Riker's arms. I decided to wait until he wakes up. After, I think, a half an hour I was so bored I had to get up.I slowly moved trying not to wake him up and of course failing... The second I moved I felt his arms wrapping strong around me.
"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered next to my ear.
"Apparently nowhere" I said giggling.
"Good." He said smiling and kissing my cheek.
I smiled. "Good morning" I said.
"Good morning sweetie." He said and kissed me.
I kissed back and got on top of him. He smiled and rolled over so he was on the top. He slowly kisses down m neck.
Then I got a text.... Worst. Timing. Ever... I checked my phone knowing it could be only one and only person...
"I have to go grocery shopping for mother..." I said.
"A way to kill the mood...." He said pouting.
"I know right?..." I said shrugging.
"Can't you staaay?" He asked with that cute puppy face of his... Daaamn! I looked away.
"Nope... Sorry... Unless you want me to be stuck there forever.." I said getting up.
"Fiiineee. Can I at least go with you?" He asked.
"You can drive me... But I can handle the shopping by myself" I said smiling.
"I guess you're right... I have to go to studio anyway... So call me when you finish so I can drive you home. K?" He asked.
"K. Have fun in the studio." I saidpecking his lips. He giggled and said "Like I always do."
I dressed up and walked outside.
"Be careful!"I heard Riker yell.
"Like I always do!" I yelled back andstarted walking.
"Yeah right...." I heard him yell back.

*in the grocery store*
I found almost everything... Except for that special milk my mother drinks...
"Okay... Where to hell are you hiding? I'll hunt you down milk and you shall be mine" I was thinking outloud when I heard a guy laughing. I turned aroud.
"Wait... Cassidy?! Oh my God! I thought you were dead!" The guy said and hugged me...
"Uhm... You must've mistaken me... My name's Lissa... Not Cassidy... And I don't know you..." I tried to sound as less awkward as possible.
"Your middle name is Lissa... And you hate it..."
He calmly said.
What is with this guy?!
"Look... I don't know what this is about but there's no way-" I started but he cut me off saying"-happy late birthday. I know it was yesterday." Okay... What?!
"As I was saying... I don't know how you know my birthday... You could also guess that easily... And I have no idea who you are... So bye." I said starting to walk away.
"My name's Aiden." Hearing that name made me stop... I turned around and looked at him... He looked so familiar! And his name sounded so familiar!
"I know you lost your memory that day but please.. Just try to remember..." He said slowly approaching me. I stepped back.
"What are you talking about? And step away from me." I said.
"This is no place for thi conversation... Plus your parents would be very happy to know that you're alive afer all those years." He said stepping back.
"My parents? Happy to know I'm alive? All those years?" I sarcastically laughed. "You have no idea what you just said." I said rolling my eyes and walking away.
"Just listen... If you want to know the truth about your real life, call me." He looked straight into my eyes and gave me his, I guess, phone number and walked away.

So sorry for not posting... I blame school for everything! And my oh my am I excited for this chapter... It's the beginning of a drama! Sorta... Well yeah.... Anyways... Hope you have fun reading this story! Also drop a lil' comment now and then just so I can know what you guys think.
Love ya! "Rock on!"❤

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