Chapter 36

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So today's school finally ended! I got out of school fast trying to avoid talking with Lucy.... I know she's my best friend and has been and has a right to know everyithing... Just not right now... I just want to go and lay in my bed and think about-
"Cas!" Riker snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh hey...." I shrugged.
"You okay baby?" he asked.
"No... I'm tired and hungry and I want to sleep... I hate school...." I shrugged again and sat in the car.
He looked at me. "You look sick.... I mean... A bit pale..."
"I guess I caught a cold..." I shrugged.
That's when my phone rang. It was Aiden's dad aka Sean Bartlett...
"Oh come on! I forgot..." I said silenting my phone... Dealing with court is the last thing I want to do now....
Riker shrugged. "I didn't want to remind you... Can't you just ignore him?" he asked.
I opened my mouth to answer him when my phone rang again...
"Guess not..." I shrugged and answered the phone...
"Hey Cassidy! Just making sure you didn't forget... This is really important and after the trial you'll be free" Seah said.
"I didn't... I'm actually on my way..." I lied.
"Okay great! See you then." He said.
"See ya..." I said and hung up.
Riker already started driving.
"She still continues to ruin my life... Unbeliveable..." I muttered.
"It's okay baby... Don't let her get to you." he said and hold my hand not taking his eyes off the road.
I lightly smiled. "Thanks Rik"
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." he said and smiled.
I giggled. "You're the best" I told him.
He smiled wider. "To me, you are."
I smiled and my phone rang again... What's with the calls today?! It was Lucy... I groaned and answered.
"Hey bestie!" she said as her new and cheerful self...
"Hey Luc..." I said.
"You ran out today... You okay?" she asked a bit worried.
"Yeah... I'm fine.... Just having some... Appoitment..." I shrugged even though she can't see me.
"Appointment?" she repeated.
"Yeah... No big deal... Just important..." Okay it was big deal... Sort of...
"Add that to the list of things you need to explain to me." she said in a serious voice.
I shrugged. "Okay..."
"We're here." Riker said quietly.
"Luc... Sorry... I have to go... Talk to ya later." I said as I hung up before she answered.
"Let's get this over with..." I said as I started walking. Riker was right next to me.
We walked in and saw all men in suits. Literary... All men... In suits... Some of them stopped and looked at us but continues with whatever they were doing...
We walked to reception... Or whatever it's called here...
A woman looked up at us. A first woman in here...
"May I help you?" she looked at us for a second and continued typing on the computer.
"Um... Yeah... We're looking for... Mr. Sean Bartlett?" I asked not sure what to say.
Woman looked at me and then at Riker.
"And you are...?" she said looking at us.
"I'm Cassidy Longsworth or Lissa Fox... I have no idea what he used and this is my boyfriend." I said. Riker smiled.
Woman was looking at us.
"So you're her huh? I'll call his secretary to walk you to Mr. Bartlett" she said as she picked up the phone and called the secretary. "You may wait here." she told us and got back to typing on the computer.
After a few minutes some girl came to us.
"Cassidy Fox?" she asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Actually it's Cassidy Longsworth..." I said.
"Oh... Sorry..." she looked at Riker. "And this handsome guy here?" She walked closer to him.
He took my hand and pulled me closer not wanting to talk to her... I'm not blaming him... With a skirt that short, I'm suprised we can't see her underwear.
"My boyfriend." I snapped holding his hand.
The girl glared at me and turned around. "Follow me, please." she said.
That thing about underwear? Nevermind... She's not wearing any... I rolled my eyes... I don't get how some girls go that low just for a job or... Whatever she wants...
Riker was looking at me the whole time. "I don't like her at all..." he whispered to me.
"Me neither... Don't worry" I said.
She lead us through crowd of lawyers to some doors... Guessing office...
"Wait here." she said coldly and walked in.
Riker and I shared a look.
She opened the door again and got out.
"Mr. Bartlett told you to come in..." she said and walked away.
I walked in Riker following me.
His office was huge! Bigger than my classroom! Like twice as big! Okay... I may be overreacting a bit.... But it was huge...
"Hello Cassidy! And her boyfriend." Mr.Bartlett said smiling.
"My name is Riker...." Riker finally said something. And Mr. Bartlett nodded
"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Bartlett." I said.
"Nice to meet you too Cassidy. And please, call me Sean." he said.
"Okay... Sean..." I said.
"Please take a seat." He said motioning to the chairs.
Riker and I sat down in the same time.
"Now let's get to the point... I have to explain some things to you before we continue." he said and started talking about some rules.
"And now... I have some questions to ask you?" he said hesitatingly.
"That's why I'm here..." I said.
He nodded and started asking me questions about Alex. I, of course, didn't know the answer to most of them... Once we were finished he said "the trial will be in two days. I am sorry I had to ask all those question but I had to prepare you for then." he said shrugging.
"It's okay..." I said and got up. "Unfortunately, I have school tomorrow and I have homework..." I said as Riker got up too.
"Oh... Okay... And please rest... You seem sick..." he said worriedly.
"I know... See you at the trial..." I said slowly walking to the door.
"See you." he said with a small smile.

We left the court and drove to my house in silence... Mostly bc I was asleep...
I woke up just as we reached my house.
"Thank you Rik" I said and tried to get up but my legs failed me and I ended up sitting again...
He looked at me worried. "You okay?" he asled.
"Yeah I'm fine... Still a bit sleepy..." I lied and tried to getcup again failing once again...
I sighed and Riker got out and picked me up.
"You don't need to-"
"Yes I do baby" he cut me off and walked to my door which were open by my mom.
"Sweetie? Riker? You okay?" she asked.
"Yeah... We're fine" I said. She looked at me.
"You look pale..." she said feeling my forehead. "And you're hot too." she said worried.
"I guess I caught a cold..." I shrugged as Riker carried me inside and to my room. He layed me on my bed and sat next to me.
Mom walked in again with thermometer.
She measured my temperature and gave me some pills to low it back to normal and I fell asleep again.
Having a nightmare like always when I'm sick. Just this one was the worst yet.

I know... I know... I shold be ashamed for not writing more and more often... I actually don't have excuse this time... I'm so so sorry...
Btw I would appreciate more likes and comments... Or at least reads... I'll be finishing this story soon, just to let you guys know. But I'll be writing a new one. It won'g be a fanfiction tho...
Anyways... Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love ya guys!


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