Chapter 13

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Kristoff's POV

"Kristooooofff!" I head Anna shout from her room as I'm grabbing pillows. "Kristooofff!!!" Oh my goodness, this girl.... She's so clingy right now... Well, I wouldn't blame her. I'd probably be doing exactly the same as her if I were in her shoes. "Don't forget the Advil!!!"

I shake my head and chuckle. "I won't! It's in my hand right now!" I shout back to her, a huge smile spreading across my face. Some people would think of her behavior as annoying, but I find it adorable (and cute, funny, sweet, etc.).

Man... The last- 10, 30- hour has been, crazy. First, getting a call from Anna, who's in tears and sounds like she's dying. Second, I show up. She's in the corner with Hans passed out on her couch. Third, I throughly beat Hans for what he did. Fourth, I kissed Anna... And she kissed me back! I don't believe how she could be caught up in all this chaos... Broken leg, crazy creeper Hans, and now she's in pain... Shoot! I've gotta give her the Advil! I run back to her room and throw the pillows at her, making her scream and laugh. "What was that for?!" She pouts, while trying to sit up.

"You just looked bored, and I didn't really want to hold the pillows anymore." I shrug nonchalantly and smile at her. "Here's some Advil. Do you want any food or water?" I start positioning the pillows underneath her leg, elevating it, like she should be doing.

"I'm not really all that hungry... But I'll take a glass of water, please and thank you." She smiles up at me, then proceeds to pop two Advil into her mouth and swallow them. "Thanks for everything." She cuddles her teddy bear, which I found, and pats the bed, motioning for me to sit.

I smile down at her and sit down on the side of her bed. "No problem, feisty pants." I slowly entwine my fingers with hers, feeling her warmth speeding from her delicate fingers. "Now, are you comfortable? Or do I need to go searching for more pillows?" My lips curl into a playful smile, and a chuckle escapes my throat.

"I'm more than perfect right here." Her beautiful teal eyes light up, as she's shakes her head. "If you want,  I can move over a bit for you... You know, I don't want to be alone... And there aren't any chairs that are clean..." Her cheeks glow a light crimson as she begins to ramble.

I place my index finger on her lips, hushing her. "Sure. Do whatever you want, and I'll be fine with it." Her face immediately softens as she relaxes and slides over slightly, gesturing for me to occupy the space she made for me. I lay down on my side, on top of the sheets, facing her. "You should sleep." I place one of my hands on her cheek, lightly rubbing my thumb across her freckled skin. "It'll help your leg."

She sighs, obviously not wanting to sleep. "But it's not even eight o'clock." She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip.

In one swift motion, I cover her eyes with my hand, making her squeal. "It may be eight, but you still need sleep. Now, close your eyes and I'll turn off the lights." I stand up, removing my hand from her face, and walk over to turn off the lights.

"Can't we at least watch a movie?" She whines as I'm walking back to her bed. "That way I'll at least sleep with good dreams?" She looks at me with pleading eyes, begging for me to let her watch a movie. "Please?"

"Fine, but you're not leaving your bed. You'll have to watch the movie right here." I sit down on the edge of the bed and she smiles excitedly.

"Yay! Grab my laptop from off my dresser, we can use that." She slowly sits up, propping herself up on her elbows. "Do you have a preference of which movie we watch?" She asks as I stand to go retrieve her laptop.

"No, not one in particular." I shake my head, smiling as I see that she's bedazzled her laptop, completely coating the top in a tick layer of silver gems. "Did you do this?" I hold up the laptop so she can see all the gems, and she smiles proudly while nodding her head.

"Yup. I did that for a project. I got a 100." She holds her hands out for the laptop, which I hand to her before siting back down on her bed. "Hmmm..." She's opened the computer, logged in, and opened Amazon Play. "The Fault in Our Stars... That's a good one. Let's do it." She clicks play, and sets the computer at the end of the bed, between both of us. I lay back down, laying on my side so I can see the movie. I slowly reach over to hold Anna's hand, and I gently knit my fingers with hers, praying that Hans didn't do too much damage to the most perfect girl in the entire world.

A Sweet Cup of Love (Kristanna fanfic) HIATUSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat