Chapter 9

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Kristoff's POV

Man, Anna sure is acting all sensitive about this... But now it's really awkward sitting here in her apartment... And she's not even in the same room as me... I sigh and stand up. "I need to get ready for work anyways." I walk out of Anna's apartment, puzzled.

Last night was... I have not words other than, wow. I mean, she lets me- a complete stranger- take her to the hospital, get chocolate, and I spend the night with her! I admit that I have feelings for her, but 1- I just met the girl! And 2- I know that she doesn't like me.

I pull the key to my apartment out of my pocket and I unlock the door. Before I can open the door, I hear the familiar click of paws from inside followed by barking. I quickly open the door to be greeted by my brown and white Border Collie, Sven. "Hey there, buddy!" I smile down at him, as he puts his front paws on my thighs. "I wish I could stay and chat, but I've got to get ready for work." I walk inside and head to my room to change.

This is going to be a long day...

Anna's POV

I close my door to my room, trying to not slam it. Why won't he just leave that subject under the rug? I don't like talking about that... Like many other things.... Well, there's no time to dwell on the past. I've got to get ready for work.

I pull on my, now clean, work uniform. It's pretty difficult, because my leg is like a sausage! It's so fat and heavy! I can't have the crutches much at work, that's just torturing myself and if Oaken knew.... Nope! I am not bringing my crutches to work!

I stand up from my bed, slowly and groaning in pain. I quickly sit back down, releasing my breath that I didn't even know I was holding. "Can't do that.... I can not do that...." I turn my gaze to my crutches, and hesitantly reach for them. "Today is going to suck..."

*time skip*

"-and that's what happened last night..." I finish telling Oaken why I have crutches and a cast.

So far he seems to be pretty understanding, but I can never tell. He nods his head and gives me an apologetic smile. "You shouldn't be at work, Anna."

I breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he's not mad. "I know, but I really need to work. And if I stay home all day, I'm not receiving any workers compensation- since I didn't get injured at work- which means I'd be losing money- which I do not want to happen- an-"

"Anna, you need to go home." Oaken gives me a stern look, telling me that he won't take any excuses from me.

I frown, and start piece together a good reason for me to stay. "But-"

"No. No buts, you're going to stay home for the rest of the week." He keeps his expression stern.

My eyes widen and I start frantically thinking- no- searching for a way to keep me at work. "Please! I have to work!!! Kristoff just started working yesterday! He wo-"

"Do you think I'm not capable?" I hear Kristoff's voice as the front door opens.

Great, now I have to deal with two stubborn men. This is not how I planned my morning would be... "Yes! You just started yesterday, and all you did was bus tables and get soft drinks! No offense, but you won't be able to even make a simple cup of coffee!"

"Just watch."  Kristoff makes his way behind the counter to where I am. He grabs a cup and faces me, his expression serious. "How would you like it?"

"Blonde, and bitter." I scowl at him, not wanting him to do it right.

He puts the cup under the nozzle that dispenses our blonde roast, and fills the cup perfectly. Without putting any cream or sugar in it, he hands the cup to me. "Anything else?" He asks, wiping the nozzle off with a towel.

Hmm... Poured to the perfect capacity... "Show me where the cream and sugar is." I take a small sip of my coffee, and it's good. I mean, I didn't have any cream or sugar, so it's really hard to mess up... But it's still good.

"Here," Kristoff points to the nozzle with the red tag on it. "And here." He points at the cream colored ceramic jar. 

Dang it! He already knows! But how?... I don't remember showing him... "Right... Wh-"

"Anna, go home. I am more than capable to run the café by myself. Go home." He gives me a stern and serious look, but gives me a comforting smile for a second.

"But-" I cut myself off, knowing that my attempts will be futile. "Fine... I'll be back tomo-"

"No, you're staying home until your cast is taken off." Oaken says, finally chiming in to mine and Kristoff's argument.

"Ugh! Fine!" I frown and start making my way, angrily, to the door. "Stupid, stubborn, controlling men..." I mutter under my breath, before I huff out of the café.

A Sweet Cup of Love (Kristanna fanfic) HIATUSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum