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Sakura pov-
With that I bowed to my brother and he gave me my clock and ring. Everyone walked out, expect pein and me. "So I take it you slept in weasel's room". Why is he so stuck up on this? "hai?" I lifted an eyebrow, what was the big deal about this it's not like he did anything. Wait how can I know I can't even remember how it ended up there. For certain I'm not pregnant. I could tell because, I would have felt the charka sense of an unborn child. Wait pain doesn't know that for all I know he could be thinking that me and itachi have a relationship. With that my face lit a fuse. I, lit up like dynamite. I raise my hands across my face waving them like crazy person. "No no no no no no no NO that did not happen trust me OK."I say more like scream, but then again who could take me seriously when my face was red as a tomato. Why am I acting like this?When I put my hands down to see his reaction, I was so in a shock... HE WAS LAUGHING AT ME !!! "Y-YOU SHOULD-D HAVE SEEN YOUR SELF YOU , YOU REALIZED WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!" He was wiping away fake tears and start rolling on the ground. What the hell?!?! What was all that yesterday about how I'm not alone bullcrap?!?!I stomped away not even sparing another word to him. Walking down the hall I face plant into the cause of this whole Problem, Damn Uchihas. I look up, locked in to his gaze. What is this feeling, every time I come across this good for nothing Uchiha he makes me feel like I have a fever. Damn him to hell. With out saying a word I walk past him. I am determined to find out why he makes me feel so warm inside. This is gone on long enough. Right before I can fully say I'm away from him, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back in to the original ground of facing him dead on. My thoughts are rummaging through my brain I can't seem to ever have them in straight line. I was about to start a wild fire of words but before I could use my match I froze in my foot steps. Suddenly my face wasn't cold as ice, but you could say I was being warmed with another person's body heat. My eyes widen with shock, itachi Uchiha was kissing me. It was like my brain is having a malfunction. The factory in my head caught fire, for the first time in a while my mind went totally blank. He grabbed the back of my neck getting deeper into the kiss, what is he doing was the only word going threw my mind. He started to push me to a wall, when I heard a door open. What I saw made my face go white. Another itachi Uchiha. What the hell??!!?!??! When the one that walked out of the room saw me and his twin he froze, But what happen next made me go into shock. He speed walk towards us garbed his twin by his shirt and punch him square in the jaw. All in the blink of an eye,when I looked at the itachi that stole my first kiss he went with a poof and turned into some one that made my blood run cold. Sasori. Before itachi good do any more harm to him,I sprinted away. Damn him, waking up my emotions. Next thing you now I will be a fan girl.

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