chapter 5- Niall-the Savior

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Hey guys, I went back to my home, but kinda busy, I could update just 2 chapters in my other stories. Now, again, it is holiday time, religious one this time, so I'm again not at home. I mean..This is gonna be a phone-update again, but flash news, with the update in wattpad, I can see character numbers, hell yeahh.. That's great, meaning more update opportunity 4 me.. lol. Enjoy xx :)

Harry's POV

"Hey curly head, look at table 9, took their orders, be quick" the team leader guy Eric said. I just walked really fast to that way and took a middle-aged, kinda angry couple's orders.

Well, the woman was discussing with man, kinda seemed angry to him..and the man was like just listening, making no comment..

I turned back to the kitchen side and started to put their orders to the plates in hurry. Because I didn't wanna make the woman angrier.. with being late..

I prepared everything and brought back their orders and the man started to yell at me..not the woman.. probably woman was done with all those discussion that she made. She was just sulking..

The man was furious now.. He told me that I was late and in addition to that I brought the wrong order- he didn't order those.

But I was so sure that he gave those orders..Jeez! I took notes for God's sake, how can I made mistakes.. I wasn't keeping orders in my mind.. So I was sure that I was right..

But.....arguing and defending myself brought many more problems.. I tried before..

People tried to defend theirselves,too and they became so loud while doing that..and that caused a scene.. and other customers got disturbed..

Then first the team leader type of waiter came, after that the manager came, they blamed you for all of it..

They wanted you to apologise or get lost, he could even fire you.. and I didn't want that happen.. I needed this job..

I didn't get this neighourhood.. Really? Mostly rich people lived in this area. They all said one thing but claimed that they said another.. They all had a huge ego.. I never saw a normal person here.. Why was that?

They all tried to find a reason-any reason to yell at you.. They believed that they are more important than you.. and you were worthless.. Like..You were the creatures came to earth, just to serve them or something.. You didn't have any value at all, you were like.. a slave or something.. not human, you know.. and that pissed me off..

"Oh..Ok..What was your order,sir? I can change it,right now" I said, I just wanted to bring that asshole whatever he wanted and finished my shift without problem as soon as possible..

The man started to say things like.. "this is an easy job and you can't even do this!","how dumb are you, huh? not even able to do that?","can't you keep just 2 things in your mind?","we're not like you, we have important jobs to do, can't wait you all day"..

I kept telling myself.. 'Breath Harry., Breath...Patience..Patience..'

I was just waiting for him to stop yelling at me and start giving his new orders.. but he wasn't giving orders and kept yelling..

Everybody started to look at me.. I was so embarrassed.. I just wanted to leave this place and hide in kitchen or for a month..

And at that moment.. I heard someone saying.. "Hey man, you can't talk to him like that. Especially when you're the one who is wrong in here.."

I was so shocked.. This was a first.. Someone was protecting me.. I couldn't believe my ears.. But the man in front of me was even more shocked than me.. His face became red..

Our Little Angel [Zarriall]-[Ziall-Zarry-Narry] (boyxboyxboy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ