Chapter 6

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Rebecca's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since my date with Randy and I feel like we've gotten closer, we've been hanging out more and I'm shocked that my parents still believe that In going out with Seth when I'm really going out Randy.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and when I read the caller I.D I smiled and answered it.

"Hey Blondie" I greeted.

"Hey B what's up" my best friend Justin greeted.

"Nothing much" I replied.

"Well guess what"


"I'm coming to RAW this week"

"Are you fucking serious?" I said excitedly.

"Yeah and I better see you there" he smiled.

*knock knock*

"Oh hold on Justin someone's at the door" I put my phone down and opened the door.

"JUSTIN" I yelled.

"BECCA" he mocked and wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you shortie" he smiled.

"I missed you too Blondie" I pecked his cheek and pulled him inside.

"Love the hair by the way"

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Becca" I heard someone say.

"In here Randy" I called as he walked in the room.

"Am I interrupting something?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"No" I replied. "And by the way Randy this is my best friend Justin Bieber and Justin this is Randy Orton"

"Nice to meet you" Justin said.

"You too" Randy smiled.

"Well I better get going ill see you later Smurf" Justin said before walking out of the room.

"So how's it going with your parents?" He asked.

"They still think I'm going out with Seth" I chuckled.

"What idiots" he laughed.

"I know right" i smiled and turned on the tv.


~Monday Night Raw~

"I'm so happy that Justin's here" I said excitedly as I sat down on the couch in The Authority's locker room.

"We know you are sweetheart" my mom said.

I sat in their office and waited for them to come back since they were starting Raw off tonight, and by the way they looked when Randy came out I could tell that they were not happy.

I walked to the gorilla and hid behind the curtain listening everything they were saying,

"Well I mean do feel bad for your daughter considering that she does have to live with you two" Randy said making the crowd go wild.

"Leave our daughter out of this Orton" my dad said angrily.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Randy challenged.

I laughed lightly as i walked to Randy's office where I sat on the couch and waited patiently for him to come back.

I really wish that Randy wouldn't have said about me, I mean I know my parents may not be the best people to deal with but I love them dearly and I don't like when people always say that they feel bad for me because I'm they're daughter.

The Authroity's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora