Chapter 26

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"Hey, babe," the familiar voice hummed sensually on the other side of the line.

After everything else, she definitely hadn't been expecting that. Her heart fluttered in her chest and her knees suddenly felt strangely unsupportive, forcing her to take a page from Adele's book and lean back against the wall.

"Hey Jase. I wasn't expecting a call. How are you?"

"I'm better now," he replied. "I'm so sorry I missed your call earlier."

"That's okay," she replied, "how was the run?"

Sierra slowly became aware that the room was suddenly very quiet as she waited for his reply. The only noise was the odd 'clang' or 'whap' from the movie that was playing on the TV. She could almost see their ears training on her conversation, and she was painfully aware that they could hear his side of the line too. Well - she wasn't that sure if Alyssa could. The nix didn't seem to have lost any interest in her magazine whatsoever.

"It was good - really good," he informed her with a smile in his voice. "We hunted together for the first time today. I can't describe how surreal it is having every one's will filter through to me. Directing the hunt was effortless. I can't wait for you to join us some time."

"I'd like that," she replied honestly. "How's your father's recovery going?"

"Dad's... okay actually. Grumpier than a bear in winter, but otherwise fine."

Sierra glanced up at the painting, unable to escape the irony of his choice of words at that moment.

He's starting to regain some of the feeling in his toes, but he can't move them yet. He says they feel like he's been sitting on them for a week - sort of tingly and cold. Steven won't let him morph yet, so he's lost a bit of weight and he's a little weak. But they're looking at maybe giving it a try on Monday, even if my uncle has to sedate him and trigger it unconsciously."

"Well if he's feeling something in his toes, that's great news!" Sierra remarked.

"Yeah, it is," he concurred.

There was a short lull in the conversation, which Jason broke:

"I've really been missing you, Sierra," he told her.

She sighed, very much aware of the longing behind his voice. It felt good to be wanted so much by someone.

"I've been missing you too," she replied softly.

There was another moment of silence and she heard him shuffle on the other side of the line.

"So... I've been lying here in the dark all night just thinking about you..." he remarked with a playful lilt to his voice.

Sierra knew that tone. Her heart fluttered in her chest anxiously as her eyes swept the room full of were-creatures pretending not to be listening in.

"Uh, Jason..."

"You see I found a certain pair of very short shorts kicked under the bed in your old room when I was helping Grant clean up after camp," he informed her teasingly, "and now I can't stop remembering how great your backside looked peeping out the bottom of them..."

Sierra almost groaned at the painful memory of those shorts. Devon snickered and mouthed 'those were great shorts' to Ken with a lecherous grin. She tossed him a glare that he pretended not to see.

"I was thinking that you should wear them again when you come back and visit," Jason suggested.

"Jason, Don't!" she protested, trying to put a stop to things before he could embarrass her - them - any further.

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