Chapter 11: Gathering

ابدأ من البداية

"Especially when it's not even needed"  I said eyeing the prince.

"Keru it's fi--"

"Ofcourse...your highness" Baekhyun grinned then bowed. He was bowing but I can still feel his gaze on me. I was surprised when he got up walked towards me then took hold of my chin. "I'm terribly sorry for waking sleeping beauty up"

THE NERVE OF THIS GUY! H-how dare he touch me?!

"You look like you want to eat me" He said chuckling. "Dont worry. We'll get there soon. If you know what I mean" He gave wink and I almost had the urge to puch that smug smile off his face. 


"I need to get out of here before I hurt someone" I stood up then walked to the door. I'm not here to cause trouble.

"Keru..." I stopped at the sound of Kai's voice. I spun around and saw him stading right behind me. "I'm sorry about hyung...I really dont know what's happening to him. He aint usually like that"


I found myself rounding the castle. Alone.

The atmosphere is quiet. A while ago it was okay. But was too quiet.

It almost feels like someone is following me.

I can manage myself. I know some wushu.

I could just wushu anyone right...on...the...SPOT.

Kicking back, I almost hit a person following me.

It was Sehun.

"You're too short. You cant kick that high. Dont get your hopes up." He smirked.

"You're too bitchy. You should change that. Dont push my limits" I smirked back.


"What are you doing here?"  I said glaring at him. He kept the stupid bitch face on. URGH. It's almost like a scene where in I'm glaring at my father.

"Ofcourse I'm here. This is my home. I have the right to be here."

"Why are you following me?"

"Naaah, I just happen to pass by and see your fat figure ruining the great view. I followed you just in case you cause some trouble again piggy" WTF?! DID HE JUST CALL ME PIGGY?! AND FAT!?

"Look prince. I dont want to argue with you right now. I need peace in my entire stay here. I dont want to cause anymore trouble."

"Ooooh, sorry to burst your bubble piggy. But I'm telling long as I'm here...peace for you is not available."

Oh dear God, what did I do to deserve this?

"Fine. I dont care. Goodbye prince."

In a blink I dissapeared from there.

I gave out a satisfied smile, atleast I could activate my powers now.

Where am I anyway?

"P-princess? W-wh--" I turned around.

My smile dissapeared. Shivers and chills ran up my spine. It was Chanyeol.

He was sitting on his bed, a book in hand and some specs in his eyes.

"I-i...I'm sorry...I mean....I'm sorry for ruining you're privacy. I-i...I still cant control my teleporting very well."

"It's fine. I mean...yeah. It's okay."

"I-i need to go now. Sorry for the disturbance."

"Wai--" Even before he could finish, I dissapeared from the room. 

I felt sorry, but I just couldnt stand being in one room with him. The air seems suffocating.


What do I do? I dont know what to do. I mean, obviously I'm bored.

I've been touring the castle for the last few hours. And now I'm getting bored of it. I'm getting a teansy bit hungry too.


I have arrived in the kitchen. I said I'm hungry, the normal thing for a normal person to do when he or she is hungry is to eat. And I shall too. Maybe there's some food here.

I saw a familiar figure infront of the stove, cooking something.

Small. White. A little lean. Cute sized features..."Kyungsoo..."

He spun around and looked at me with his 'already big' eyes.

"Princess! W-what..."  Why does everyone seem to be surprised seeing me?

"What are you cooking? Can I have some? I'm starving. I barely ate." He blinked a couple of times. He seems to be absorbing what I said.

I smiled then walked past him into the stove. There is an high stool beside the stove on the kitchen island. I sat there. I looked at him "Go on. I wont bother you. I'll just watch"



"This is the best cooking I ever tasted aside from my Sica mama's"  I said as I was savouring the food infront of me. 

Kyungsoo's cheeks pinked then he smiled shyly. "T-thank you..."

Spoon after spoon I ate. I was hungry. The last time I ate was...who knows when.

"Slow down, you might choke. Here...water" He passed me a fresh glass of water. I gulped it down all at once then continued eating.

"You look like a pig for slaughter Princess Pig" Both me and Kyungsoo turned around only to see all the other princes.

Another gathering. How sweet.

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