Chapter 1

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My father is sitting across the table from me doing some work, I heard him and my mother talking about the oxygen levels dropping but what do they mean? I want to ask him but I'm afraid of what he will say.

I get up and walk across the room to wash the dishes I was using. The water is so cold there's hardly any heat on the ark and most of it is used for the council. They're the special ones, most people think everyone on Phoenix is privileged but that's not true, the only reason I live here I because of my parents, they might be scientists but that doesn't make my life any more special.

It's 9:54 now, curfew is in 6 minuets but I need to find out about the oxygen. I sneak out the house when no one is looking and head to the Wells' flat. He's one of my closest friends and his father is the chancellor so he must know about this. I'm about to knock on his door when I realise it's a bad idea and if my parents know something they shouldn't they could get floated.

I'm walking back to my flat when a pair of arms grab me, natural instinct kicks in and I start to try and get free. The man holding me is strong and pins me against a wall,

"What do you think you are doing wondering around at this time?"

I can't find the words to speak, honestly I'm scared. Scared of who it is and what they will do to me if they know the truth.

"Answer my question!" He yells

I start to shake, I know I have to say something, so I manage to spit out,

"I was going to see my friend Wells."

The man loosens his grip - obviously convinced that what I said was true, he must know who Wells is - I turn around to face him, I've never seen this guard before. He's tall and has brown hair, looks about twenty. And I can tell he is from a different sector of the ark because of his accent, he doesn't look as scary as I thought he would though.

"Who are you?" I ask interested with the new guard.

He stares at me but doesn't answer, I raise my eyebrows in question but he changes the subject.

"Let's get you home." He says

I walk home with him following close behind probably making sure I don't run away again.

When I get home I give him a look saying 'you can leave now I'm fine' he walks away and I slip inside hoping my parents don't notice.

"Where have you been?" My mother asks frustrated.

"Just out" I reply a little to quickly

She doesn't say anything else, but she gives me a look that says don't do it again or your in trouble. I head off silently to my room and fall asleep on my bed.

The next morning I wake up to a loud scream.

My mother standing over my fathers dead body, he's lying in a pool of blood with a knife in his hand. What just happened? My mother starts to cry and I run over to help but am stopped by guards. How did guards get in? My mother is dragged away, she's saying something to me but I can't figure out what. I keep staring at his body when I realise she was saying. "Warn them!"

Warn them what about the oxygen? How could she know I know? I have to figure out what she meant but those words keep playing in my mind over and over.
Warn them, warn them, warn them.

"Warn who?" Emily asks

I wake up to her voice, pleased to see the walls of the tent. I'm on earth, and that didn't happen. It was just a dream.

"What?" Is all I manage to say

"You kept saying warm them in your sleep" Emily clarified but I knew what she meant

"Oh, it was a dream don't worry about it" I tell her

"Ok" is all she says and then she's gone

The light outside indicates it's early morning. I'm alone in the tent, it's been about 4 days since we landed on earth but I keep having these nightmares. I look past them usually but this one was so real, like it was a memory or vision rather than a dream.

When I get outside I see everyone working to build tents and places to sleep. Finn walks up to me with a limp, coming to me for medical reasons probably.

"Hey Clarke!" Finn says a little too happily

I manage a weak smile and then look at his leg which is covered in blood, my smile quickly fades.

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask

I don't wait for an answer but walk to the dropship, he follows me in and sits on the table.

He pulls his pant leg up to reveal the wound and says one word which sends shivers down my spine.


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