Part 2 of Chapter 7

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Hey! Its my brother's birthday- and probably will be for the next few weeks >.< so Im uploading this sooner because I wont have a lot of time later. We are going to Tahoe for a week, Then to Washington D.C., and a family reunion for a couple days,, all next month. Plus the daily baseball practices and games. Its a wonder i can write at all...Anyways, I need help deciding on a cast for some characters, (I was going to put megan fox for Jay, but then she got plastic surgery >.< ) if you have any ideas just comment :)



I envied his over sized closet, which was only a quarter full of clothes, a space half the size of his bedroom was left. It was that big. I grabbed a long yellow t-shirt with 'Skillet' written in big writing. I went back to my old house, but I still find Tim's shirts more comfy than mine. He he. I slipped on underwear and then tied my hair into a side braid before stepping out and jumped onto Tim's over sized bed, getting in the over sized blankets and resting my head on a over sized fluffy pillow. Anyone else seeing a pattern here? I closed my eyes and heard Tim's footsteps come into the room. The reason I know how to hear his footsteps, is that when he is tired, his left foot would drag and he would only be on his right heel, his toes up. I pretended to be asleep while he stopped mid-step at the sight of me. I usually slept in the guest room but i have slept with him before, just not since ninth grade. I saw him shrug and get in next to me. I cuddled into him, but still kept 'sleeping'.

He took a big breath, "Janessa, there is something I need to tell you, and no interruptions this time."

I opened my eyes wide, he knew i wasn't asleep.

He closed his eyes as he talked, as if being unable to see my reaction would help, "I-


Chapter 7 (Part 2): "-'ve liked this girl since high school, and she hasn't really realized I like her. Her birthday is coming up, and I don't know what to get her. I want it to be special, so she can see that I like her, but I don't want to come out... too strong...."

I giggled, "Awww! What's her name."

"You mean you don't know?" He asked incredulously.

I racked my brain for something and came up with nothing.  "Nope."

"Then it doesn't matter."

I pouted, but let it drop for now, "Um, a charm bracelet, or a... hmm, maybe a picture album, but make sure not all of the pictures are of just you two, and none of just you."

He grinned, "Thanks Jay. That really helps."

"No problem, Timmy. If you need help with any of it, I'd be glad to help."

I cuddled into his chest, feeling his warm chest against my cheek. His deep breathing evened out, and soon I fell asleep.

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