Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Jay's POV:

I started to run home, breathing heavily. Wow, I'm really out of shape. I ended up speed walking after a couple minutes. I had to get home. I had to make sure they're okay. This cannot happen again. They said they wouldn't. I walked up the porch steps, tension was thick in the air. The door was ajar and my gut told me to get away, but I couldn't. I had to make sure Zyra and Daniel wern't hurt- wern't dead. I walked slowly into the house and stared. Pictures and paintings were knocked down and the frames shattered. The vases and valuable china that Zyra adored so much are now nearly unrecognisable. I drew in a shaky breath and focused on the two limp figures on the floor. Recognising Zyra's blond bob and Daniel's black hair, I felt numb.

Footsteps came, and I new they were Tim's, but I didnt look back. I couldn't. I was tranfixed on my dead foster parents. "Jay, why the hell did you run off like- Oh, shit!"

"Are you okay Jay?" He hugged me close, but I didn't respond.

Tim flipped out his iPhone and dialled 9-1-1. "We just found two people dead.... No, they are my best friend's foster parents.... Uh, Janessa... Okay, 4295 Pine street.... It looks like they got shot... No, I think it's too late... Okay, great. Bye."

"Jay, look at me." When I didn't respond he tilted my chin up, "Listen everythings going to be fine, okay?"

I nodded.

"I have a question though... Is this the first time this has happened?"

I inhaled sharply, "N-no."

He tensed, "why havent you ever told me?"

"I didn't w-want to worry you, or... scare you off.."

He didn't have time to respond because the police came in, and all but two officers went to the bodies.

The two that didn't came over to Tim and I. "Are you guys okay? Hurt anywhere?"

"We aren't injured, is it okay if I can take Janessa to my house for some rest? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't wan't to sleep here and she's still in shock..."

"Sure, but we are going to need to take her in for questioning later. How about Monday at four PM?"

"Sure, that will work. Thanks, officer."

"No problem. I'll meet you at Cafe Brunardo."


SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! I'm really busy today, but  I wanted to upload. I thought my brother's baseball season was over, but we were at  the closing cerimonies, and he got chosen for alll star. At least he's not a Dodger anymore, though!

Please comment!! I really apreciate it when someone tells me how i'm doing!

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