chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Laura Elizabeth Wanklin

Im going to a summer program thingy with XxEmeraldxLoverxX , and I got super sick from my grandma last Sunday... so i can’t upload a lot these next two weeks :( sorry... I'll upload faster if you vote and comment, though ;)



I rushed right inside Mr. Drand's classroom as the bell rang. Everyone was already inside, so I took the one chair available, behind Deana. She was fixing her blond hair in her compact mirror, and when she saw me in the background of her reflection, she glared. I smiled sweetly at her.

"Okay kids, we have a new student. Adam would you like to introduce yourself?"

"My names Adam and I just came from Ripon, California." He was watching me as he said this, and I kept my face expression neutral, no traces of fear or sorrow that that was the last place I had lived in, where Tina and Ross got shot.

His face scowled in confusion when I didn't react. Only one thought was going through my mind he knows.


I glared at the back of Adam's head in 5th period. How does he know? Why is he here? Is he following me? He combed his fingers through his chocolate colored hair. Why does he have to be so damn cute? I groaned in frustration.

"Yes, miss Whi-" his eyes widened. "Er, I mean Miss Janessa?"

"Nothing sir" I said, my voice void of emotion. He almost called me Miss White. Zyra and Daniel's last name.

"Well, can you see me after class?"

"Of course, sir."

After 4th period, I stayed in my seat as everyone else got up to leave.

"I understand that there was an.... incident Friday night. I wanted to say that i'll remove your homework for this week and the next week, if you’re still here, I mean."

"Still here?"

"You have to . . .er, find new. . .'parents''

The thought had never occurred to me, I'll move away from Tim, Lola, Mathew, and the hot mysterious new guys. I can't move!

As I came into the nearly empty halls, I saw Tim leaning on a nearby locker.

"You waited for me?" I questioned him.

"What did Mr. Martin want?"

"Nothing really, but I don't have homework for the next two weeks." I took a deep breath, "If I- I stay here that long, I mean."

"You can't go though, Jay. I need you." Tim looked so miserable and vulnerable that I had to blink away the tears that threatened to escape.

"I know, but I have to go, I can't stay."

"I'm turning eighteen next week, Jay. I'll be your guardian." His eyes gleamed with a new found hope.

"I cant do that to you, I can find a family who  live close." I don't want you to die off.


"I promise."

He hugged me tightly and I let the tears fall freely. The loss, the fear, the anger; it all flowed out.

"I'll always be here for you, Jay. Always."

"That's great and all Tim, but... can we go to lunch now? I'm kind of starving."

He rolled his eyes.

Walking into the canteen, we looked like a site. Me with my red, swollen eyes and Tim's tear streaked shirt and tousled hair.

"Awkward..." I mumbled into his shirt. I felt his chest rumble with silent laughter and I smiled. We spotted Lola and Mathew in an intense conversation, and decided not to interrupt.

"So... I have to ask you something, Jay..." Tim said nervously once we were seated outside.

"Shoot." I twisted the cap of my Sunkist bottle and frowned when it didn't open, after several unsuccessful attempts; Tim sighed and rolled his eyes, opening my soda with a quick jerk of his hand. I smiled sheepishly.

“Go on,” I encouraged him.

“Well, I kind of have been in like with this one girl for a really, really long time and-“

I gasped, “Awwweee!! That’s so cute! Who is she?”      

He scratched the back of his head, “Well, um, actually . . . she-“      

“Hey guys, guess what!” Lola skipped over to us, a big smile on her face.

“Hmmm?” Tim mumbled, looking irritated and embarrassed at the interruption.

A beautifully jeweled ring gleamed on her finger, “Oh-Em-Gee, he proposed?!?!”

“No! Of course not, well, sort of. It’s a promise ring; we are still in high school, you know.”

“I’m so happy for you, Lola!” I squealed.

 Mathew walked over, grinning madly, “Hey guys.” He pecked Lola’s cheek, and she blushed and looked down.



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Luv, JJ

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