Chapter 7 (part 1)

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I was over at Tim's house curled up on the couch while he took a shower upstairs.                         

"Janessa, honey; is spaghetti okay?" Called Tim's mom.                                                                         

"Spaghetti sounds great, Nina." I yelled back, clicking the remote with more force than needed. Nothing was on TV and I went upstairs to Tim's room to go get one of his many movies. I knocked on the door and I heard a mumbled, "come in".

"There is absolutely nothing on TV, can i look for a movie?"

"Thanks, I'll meet you downstairs."

I looked until I found a good one, Titanic, no one could resist Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Dinner is ready!"

"Coming, Nina!"

Dinner was great. I had the feeling that Tim and Nina where discussing something silently, she would look at me questioningly, then back at him; he would shake his head with a frown. I sighed and washed my dish.

"Oh, honey you don't need to do that."

"Oh it's fine. It's the least I can do for staying here until I find... new parents. I don't want to be a big burden, I'll just be a burden while I'm here."

Five minutes later, Tim and I were curled up on a couch watching Titanic. Tim sniffed, and i stared at him. "Are you... are you crying?"

"I don't cry, I'm a guy." He protested, and I rolled my eyes.


"Really!" He pouted.

The movie ended and I checked the time on my Blackberry. 11:03 P.M.

'"I'm gonna go to bed. G'night Tim."

"Sweet dreams, Jay." He hugged me and I took the stairs two at a time. I tripped on the last one and slid down the stairs, face first.

I quickly got back up deciding to ignore Tim's snicker. I cleared my throat. "Good night."

I stripped to my birthday suit, then started a bath. I looked through the drawers underneath the sink for bubble bath, and only found a couple bottles of bath oil. The first one read, 'softer skin guarenteed*!' I narrowed my eyes at the ' * ' and read at the bottom of the bottle '*if you have ever experienced forms of blemished or imperfected skin, this does not apply, and you may experience minor rashes'

I put a drop on the tip of my finger, and put it on the one mysterious freckle i had, on my left calf, and raised my eyebrows when the surrounding skin turned a unflattering red. Quickly grabbing the other one, I searched it for any hidden *'s and found none. By then the jacuzzi tub was filled a few inches from the rim with nearly boiling water, so I put the water on cold and poured the bottle under the gushing faucet.I cautiously put my leg in. There. I thought smugly when it didn't resemble a cherry.

I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I called, fully stepping into the colored water.

"Me, I left my phone in here." Tim's masculine voice sounded from behind the door.

The door opened and I squeaked. "Don't look at me!"

"I- Er, okay." he stuttered nervously. He grabbed his iPhone from the floor and said a quick bye as he hurried out the door. Awkward. I quickly washed myself and stepped out of the tub, pulling the drain plug off and setting it on the counter. Grabbing a towel from the cabinets, I couldn't help but notice what the rose bath oil did to my skin. It actually almost glowed. Grinning, I left the room for Tim's walk-in closet.

 I envied his over sized closet, which was only a quarter full of clothes, a space half the size of his bedroom was left. It was that big. I grabbed a long yellow t-shirt with 'Skillet' writen in big writting. I went back to my old house, but I still find Tim's shirts more comfty than mine. Hehe. I slipped on underwear and then tied my hair into a side braid before stepping out and jumped onto Tim's over sized bed, getting in the over sized blankets and resting my head on a over sized fluffy pillow. Anyone else seeing a pattern here? I closed my eyes and heard Tim's footsteps come into the room. The reson I know how to hear his footsteps, is that when he is tired, his left foot would drag and he would only be on his right heel, his toes up. I pretended to be asleep while he stopped mid-step at the sight of me. I usually slept in the guest room but i have slept with him before, just not since ninth grade. I saw him shrug and get in next to me. I cuddled into him, but still kept 'sleeping'.

He took a big breath, "Janessa, there is something I need to tell you, and no interuptions this time."

I opened my eyes wide, he knew i wasnt asleep.

He closed his eyes as he talked, as if being unable to see my reaction would help, "I-


Good morning/afternoon/evening! Errr.... next upload by... Wednesday? I'll aim for then or before. Please, please, comment and vote!!!


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