Day At The Museum

Começar do início

Still holding her hands, Stacey pulled the trigger and Stanley let out a girlish yelp as he felt the impact of the bullet. It hit the middle of the target, barely scraping the bull's-eye. "Very good little bunny!" the Joker said with enthusiasm.

Stacey breathed a sigh of relief, and so did Stanley. "Well, I don't think I did much with you holding my hands."

"Ready to try it by yourself?" The Joker asked with a grin. He would stay close to her to make sure she didn't injure herself somehow.


"Yes you are," said the Joker. "I believe in you."

Stacey gulped as the Joker continued to gently remind her to keep a very firm grip on the gun and to try and remain steady. She kept her eyes focused on the target and hesitated. She felt her hands shaking again, and Stanley felt himself going pale. He started shaking in rhythm along with Stacey and the Joker noticed this at once, even though Stanley was several feet away. "Stanley, hold the target still! Do you want to get your leg blown off?"

"No-no sir," Stanley responded shakily.

"Then hold still! You're shaking like a retard with Parkinson's disease who just drank a gallon of caffeine!"

Stacey jumped at the Joker's loud bellowing. She noted that there were times where he would talk so cruelly to his men. She hadn't recalled him ever using such a horrible tone of voice with her. But she knew not to ask questions. Since the Joker had brainwashed her nicely, she knew that 'Daddy J' knew what was best.

Stacey, feeling like a frightened child, aimed reluctantly at the target. She was taking her time and the Joker was secretly growing a little impatient. He sighed. "Shoot darling!"

His sudden words, though gentle, caused Stacey to jump and pull the trigger. At that exact moment her aim was off, causing the bullet to barely scrape the edge of the target and rip right into Stanley's good knee; the good knee being the one that the Joker hadn't shot. The next thing Stacey saw was Stanley huddled on the ground holding his bleeding leg. Now it was Stacey's turn to go pale. She felt an involuntary clench 'down there,' and the only thing that consumed her brain now, even above her concern for Stanley, was what the Joker was going to do to her for her horrible mistake.

But her own question was immediately answered when she heard the Joker burst into hysterical laughter beside her. He hooted and hollered like a drunken hyena as Stanley spluttered on the ground, grinding his teeth together in pain. "Well doll. Looks like I can't let ya carry a gun by yourself anytime soon!" The Joker chuckled, and then erupted into another fit of violent laughter as if he had just witnessed the funniest event in history. Stacey flinched as he patted her rather roughly on the back.

The highly amused Joker strolled over to the wounded young man and stood above him. His laughter sounded quite sinister and it almost sent a chill up Stacey's spine. And he continued to mock Stanley as he tried with all his might to keep his whimpers to a minimum. "I told ya to hold still," the Joker snickered. "Well look on the bright side. At least now you'll have a scar on both knees, so it wont look so awkward!" Then he burst into laughter again and reaching into the inside of his jacket he pulled out some medical bandage and tossed it on the ground next to Stanley, as if he kept it handy expecting something like this to happen. "Here. Be a man and quite your whimpering. I've seen far worse. Bandage it up, you'll live," he said nastily, his laughter suddenly coming to a halt.

"Y-yes boss," Stanley wheezed and obediently grabbed the bandage and began unraveling it, his mannerisms similar to a beaten slave's.

The Joker turned back to Stacey and grinned widely at her displaying his still slightly yellow teeth (that were slowly getting whiter after that little comment that Stacey had made.) He walked over to her and ruffled her hair. "Thanks for the laugh beautiful," he chuckled.

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora