A Big Mistake Was Made

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Stacey spent most of the night listening to the quiet breathing of the Joker beside her. She barely moved all night, and her stomach turned as she felt his breath on the back of her neck. He was so close, and whenever she flinched he'd cling onto her tighter in his sleep. She had even tried to carefully wiggle her way out of his grasp once, but he seemed to be a light sleeper, and half awake he said "No, no, no. Go to sleep." All she could do was yell off curse words in her head. One would suppose the Joker had to sleep with one eye open. She assumed there were many people out there who wanted his head on a platter.

It was about six in the morning when Stacey finally nodded off from exhaustion. Her body couldn't stay awake any longer and it just shut itself off. She awoke abruptly about six hours later at the sound of a door shutting. Sitting up like she had been shocked in the back, the Joker stood above her and laughed after shutting the door behind him. He was already dressed and had a full face of makeup on. "You're awake early. At the crack of noon," He chuckled.

"Not like I slept all night," Stacey mouthed almost sarcastically and quickly put her hand over her mouth at the tone of her own voice.

"Watch your tone with me young lady!" The Joker hissed and Stacey felt herself flinch, expecting him to smack her, but he didn't. The Joker only smiled after his harsh scolding. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood, or you'd be tasting my leather belt on your backside doll face." He seemed to enjoy threatening her with spankings. It was obviously one of his biggest fetishes. He knew why he enjoyed it. He loved how women were so weak and easy to dominate. He was a control freak, and watching a woman squirm just from a mere paddling with his bare hand thrilled him.

"You see, I've already had a fulfilling morning," Said the Joker. "If I can't wreak a little havoc in the morning, well, my day just isn't complete." He giggled.

Stacey felt her stomach growl and the Joker could hear it from across the room. He laughed. "Is my little baby hungry?" He smirked.

Stacey growled within herself. "Starving actually."

"Well then. I suppose, since you've been so good with not trying to escape last night, I could see if we have any bunny food in the kitchen," He laughed. "But it will have to be after I have a little...talk with a possible rat in the house." With those words, he played with his knife in his hand, and Stacey gulped. "Be back in a few sweetie pie." He left the room again, closing the door and locking it. Stacey didn't want to think about what he left to do. She was a little rested now, and her mind began racing again. She really needed to get out of there. He told her he wouldn't use his knife on her, but for all she knew he could snap at any moment and stab her to death when she least expected it.

She went to the bathroom and found her panties still on the floor along with her pants. She grabbed them and put them both on, relieved he hadn't ripped them to shreds like he did with her shirt. She didn't wanna try to escape half naked. Scouring the room, she looked for any possible weapon she could find. She flung the top drawer on the dresser open, and scrunched her nose as she searched trough a bunch of girlish clothes he obviously had gotten for her. Who knew where. He probably robbed a mall on the way home that night. Nothing in there. She flew open the second drawer. More little girlish clothing.

She cringed when she opened the bottom drawer. It was chalk full of paddles, big and small, some leather, some wooden. Rulers, hair brushes, riding crops, all things he clearly wanted to use on her poor bottom. "Sick bastard," she muttered to herself. That sick boiling feeling in her stomach returned, partially from hunger, but she could almost faint from her nerves as her mind went over what would happen if she failed on her second escape attempt.

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now