The Joker's Disciples

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"Hello, I'm Mike Engel with Gotham tonight. Last week we brought you full coverage of the gruesome murder of Officer Daniel Adams, committed by a man who calls himself the Joker. Within two days of that broadcast, several more unspeakable murders have been reported throughout the city, including the murder of another Police Officer. Officer Craig Marshall went missing just five days ago, and officers discovered his remains in an alley, stuffed into a dumpster off of 28th street and avenue X."

"Police described the scene as nothing short of grisly. Officer Marshall's head was completely severed and stuffed into a large 'Jack In the Box' that was found right beside his headless body. Apparently his head was mounted on the spring, so when officers opened the box they got a very unpleasant surprise. Police are still investigating but it is believed that this passed week's murders were not committed by the apparent Joker, but by a group of newfound terrorists who are calling themselves 'The Joker's Disciples.'

"It is unknown wither these terrorists are in league with the Joker or wither they are criminally insane ex mental patients who were influenced by the Joker's recent murder spree. What we are about to show you is not for the faint of heart. We cannot show you the entire video do to censors, but we will show you the beginning of the tape. Keep in mind, the images on this video are disturbing."

The image on the television switched from Mike Engel to a group of five men, all wearing rubber clown masks, a couple of them holding machetes. In the middle of them sat a frightened police officer. He was bound to a chair and gagged. The largest of the masked men began to speak. "We are the disciples of the Joker. What we have here is a pig. He is a symbol for all the pigs and the dictators and the oppressors who are keepin' us down!" The large man grunted. His speech and mannerisms revealed that he was clearly mentally challenged.

"We are here to make a stand! We are taking our country back from the oppressors! All law enforcers beware! All mobsters beware! All dictators, politicians, and government officials beware! The Joker will lead us to the light! The Joker will lead us to freedom! Let no one rule over us! No mobs nor law enforcers nor elected officials! This city is ours now! This city belongs to the Joker, our sought after leader! He will lead us into anarchy! He will lead us into the new age, into revolution! He will free us from the chains of a corrupt system and no one shall hinder him! No one shall stand in our way to the path of freedom!"

The large man stomped over behind the bound and shivering police officer. Officer Marshall made frantic muffling noises as the man grabbed him by the hair and jerked his head back. He put a knife to his throat. "All hail Joker!" The man yelled.

"Hail Joker!" The rest of the men chanted in chorus. He began to dig into the officer's throat and that's when the video switched back to Mike Engel, who was looking very disturbed in his chair.

He turned back to the camera. "The Disciples of the Joker," he shook is head in disgust. "If you have any information on this league of criminals..."

The bartender turned the T.V off. "That's enough of that. I don't need to hear anymore about that crackpot and his league of extraordinary dumbasses," the older bald bartender grunted as he wiped down some glasses. The boozehounds of the bar began chattering amongst themselves now that their eyes were no longer glued to the television set that hung on the wall."


Alfonso Mancini was at his favorite strip club 'Lady Luck' enjoying a cigarette and a cocktail. It wasn't the best strip club. In fact it was pretty dumpy. But that's why he liked it. Never a crowd and he could enjoy his cocktail in peace. He also knew that not many of the other mob men frequented there. "Well, well, well. Enjoying the lovely dames Al?" A low uncanny voice suddenly reached his ears over the loud trance music.

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