World So Cold

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After the fiasco between you and Jeff you had both been avoiding each other. When ever you would enter a room to make amends he would either ignore your presence or just leave the room.

You also started seeing the black haired girl from the dinner table. Unlike you, she was able to confront Jeff without feeling invisible. Although he was his usual angry self, he actually held a few conversation with her.

Once again she was sitting beside Jeff. Her legs crossed. An angry expression was written on her face. On the other side of her was BEN. Who was playing a video game. You awkwardly approached the three.

"Jeff, can we ta-" he stood up angrily ready to leave the room until you grabbed his pale hand. He glared at you. "What can I do for you to forgive me?" You gripped on his wrist.

"Just go. There isn't anything for you to do." He ripped his wrist away from you as he opened the front door and ran away.

Beneath your mask, a look of sadness adorn your face. Although you hadn't known the man, or at least remember, you were missing him. A pang of sadness would hit your heart like a dagger once you thought about how he must feel. It wasn't like it was your fault you couldn't remember the important memories of the past.

"What was that about?" The curvy woman beside BEN asked breaking you out of your thoughts.

"He's really mad at me..." You whispered barely audible.

"He truly is a monster." You looked at her face to face. Her height just barely shorter than you. Her lips curved into a smile.

"I'm Jane." She held her hand out. You warily shook it.

"(Y/N)." Your sad thoughts were almost in the back of your mind as she brought back your self.

"So sorry to ask after we just met but are you," she paused for a moment. "Dating Jeff?" She whispered.

A deep red cover your face. Thank god for your mask.

"N-no that's not it!" You stuttered out.

"That's good. I wouldn't want a monster like him dating such an innocent person like you." You were suddenly questioning her words.

"Monster?" You asked yourself.

"Huh?" She asked. "Never mind." You replied.

"Anyway just stay away from Jeff. Regardless if your friends or lovers, don't get close to him." She said. A pang of sadness stung your heart once again. She just spoke as though she had witness what happen in a more-than-friends relationship.

Did they date at some point? Of course why would she talk about him that way if they didn't? You thought to yourself. She was really pretty no wonder he dated her.

"Well I need to go. Cya (Y/N)." She smiled as she waved good bye. Leaving the room, you stood there like an idiot.

You sat down next to BEN who was close to beating another game today.

"Can I ask you something?" You asked the Link-look-alike.

"I guess. What is it?" You took a deep breath. "Did Jane and Jeff... You know, uh date?" You said.

"You must be jealous! Huh?" He smirked showing his shark like teeth.

"N-no of course not!" You shuddered out.

(I don't ship Jane and Jeff together. Sorry I haven't updated)

Jeff The Killer X Male!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ