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By now, Jeff was regretting his choices from earlier. The sad look on your face as he asked why you had run away. It wasn't like he didn't like you in fact since he was a kid he's always loved you.

Jeff was brought out of his thoughts by his best friend, (Y/N)'s laughter. Jeff felt his heart pound in his chest. Jeff always had felt this way when he was around the (H/C) haired boy. But he knew what these feelings were,so he denied the feelings.

Jeff smiled as his friend's laughter echoed in the small empty bedroom. It's only items was the boxes ready to be put in the moving truck.

Their laughter and smiles stopped as a knock was heard on Jeff's door.

Jeff's POV

As I heard the dreading sound of knocking. (Y/N)'s and my laughter stopped. The moment we've been dreading. It wasn't like I held an emotional attachment to this town. The only problem is that I probably would never see my best friend and, despite our gender, my crush. The thought of losing him made my heart ache.

My brother, Liu opened the door.

"Mom said the moving truck will be here in ten minutes." Liu closes the door after that. A part of me wanted nothing more than to barricade ourselves in here so (Y/N) will be mine and mine alone. Another part of me wanted leaving the room with a small 'cya tomorrow.' But I knew neither of those ideas would work.

I looked at (Y/N) whose cheeks were covered with a blush. I didn't know why. He looked down at the bare ground like it was the most interesting thing in the room.

"What're you doing?" I asked putting my arm around his shoulder. I don't know how, but his cheeks got redder.

"Hey Jeff..." He asked me timidly. Avoiding my question.

"Yeah whats up?" I asked concerned. Lets hope this isn't about something like 'I don't swing that way get your arm away from me.' Which is probably not gonna happen, right?

"Before you have to leave I wanted to get something off my chest," He took in a deep breath. He looked me in the eyes, "I love you..." He stuttered out.

My heart began beating harder and a happiness flooded in me.

"I love you too." I managed to stutter out. His looked was the happiest look I've ever seen.

I knew this would be the only and last time I'd ever have a chance like this would be know. So I took in a deep breath and leaned towards (Y/N). Our lips connected for a few seconds before we broke apart. We stared at each other for a minute before the door opened again. This time my dad came in.

"Time to go. Say goodbye to (Y/N)." He shut the door.

We both stood up and embraced each other. I could feel a single tear fall onto my shoulder. I smiled a sympathetic smile.

"It'll be okay." I said.

We walked down the steps and my dad, Liu, and I packed the boxes into the moving truck as (Y/N) tried to help but he kept getting sad.

My family got into our van. I waved to (Y/N) as we drove away and as we drove down the road I finally realized what just happened.

After we both confessed we were torn apart. Never to be reunited.

(Hey! It's me!! Anyway I am sure Jeff isn't this feminine [femininity is fine though I'm kinda feminine so... ^.^] but I originally made him say stuff like "my true love is gone." But I scrapped it. Also I'm listening to "Same Love" and this is making me sad.

Anyway!!!! Why Liu Kissed you will be explain In a chapter soon. It was gonna be in here but I'm evil so I decided against it. CYA!!!!)

Jeff The Killer X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now