Chapter 12-I'm Afraid of What You'll See

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The Doctor and Clara stood face to face in the TARDIS, her hands on her hips, and his on her shoulders.
"A ball?" Clara frowned. "What's the catch?"
The Doctor raised his eyebrows. "Nothing, no catch. It's just an alien ball, Clara."
Clara blushed. "You're asking a ball?"
The Doctor looked confused and quickly withdrew contact. "No, I'm asking you to come with me to the ball. As friends." he added hastily.
Clara smiled. "Okay, sure. Why not?" She knew the Doctor, and she knew that the ball was likely to be invaded or interrupted or exploded or something.
"There's also a dinner." the Doctor said as he flew the TARDIS. "I hope you're hungry."
Clara nodded. "Don't worry."
Clara went to change while the Doctor flew the TARDIS. But when she came back wearing a flattering floor-length evening gown, he was already in a suit.
"Clara, you look..." he blanched, looking down at her face.
Clara laughed. "Thank you, you look lovely too."
The Doctor extended his arm and she looped hers around it as they stepped out of the TARDIS doors into a reception hall. Two guards stood by gigantic bronze doors and one stepped forward to greet them.
"Mr. Smith. Delightful." one guard said pompously. "And you must be Mrs. Smith." He gestured towards Clara.
"Actually-" started Clara.
The Doctor cut her off. "Yes, yes. This is my wife, Clara. Do call me John." He quickly shot Clara an apologetic glance. She shrugged back at him.
They were escorted through the doors into a gigantic, high-ceilinged room lined with food-covered tables. Great sparkling chandeliers hung down, and mostly humanoid aliens babbled away around them.
The Doctor looked at Clara with an expectant face. Clara tried to look unimpressed. "This'll do." she said, stifling a laugh of amazement.  "A bit like the Great Hall."
The Doctor laughed and tugged her towards a table. "Come on, silly-head, it's almost time to eat."
They sat down across from each other, each taking up their eating utensils. Soon, the rest of the crowd took their seats as well. A young man with an abnormally handsome face but slightly large ears sat down next to the Doctor.
"Hello, Mr. Smith." he said conversationally.
"Good evening, Mr. Baron. May I introduce you to my-er-wife, Clara?"
Mr Baron shook Clara's outstretched hand. "A pleasure. You're a lucky man, John."
The Doctor blushed, his ears turning bright red. "Indeed."
Clara caught the Doctor's eye but he looked away, and down at his food.
"Lovely venison." Mr. Barabon commented.
Clara looked down at her untouched food with wide eyes. "Venison? Is that deer?"
"Well, yes. Is there a problem?"
The Doctor answered for her. "No, not at all."
But Clara pushed her plate away, looking green in the face. The Doctor reached for her hand under the table. Her cold fingers intertwined with his.
Soon, a soft bell rang and a door at the other end of the dining hall opened to reveal a ballroom. The crowd filed through the doors. An orchestra played music in the corner of the shining ballroom. Waiters walked around with plates of what looked like glasses of whisky. Clara and the Doctor each politely took one.
An hour later, the ballroom was still full of couples and families dancing on the ballroom floor. Clara was chatting with a female gypsy-like alien on one end of the ballroom, red-faced from the alcohol and laughing. The Doctor stared at her wistfully from across the room. He tore his gaze away, staring at the couples thoughtfully. Then, he started across the ballroom towards Clara. When he reached her side, he touched her arm lightly.
"Having a good time?"
"Oh, yes, Doctor, thank you for this." And with that she stretched up and pressed a kiss to his jaw.
The Doctor smiled. "Clara, will you-?"
"Clara!" said Mr. Baron, striding up to her. "May I have the next dance?"
"Of course." Clara said, taking his hand.
"You don't mind, of course, John." joked Mr. Baron.
"Of course not." mumbled the Doctor. Clara glanced at him before stepping onto the dance floor with Mr. Baron.
The Doctor leaned back against the wall, watching Clara dance with the younger man. The dance was a fast and fretful one, and Mr. Baron kept twirling Clara around. She giggled, dancing along with him. The Doctor watched them for a while, swallowing thickly. His hands hovered in the air, as if he had forgotten how to use them. His face twitched slightly. After a while, he hid his face in his hands and groaned. When would the song be over?
"Doctor?" Clara said, suddenly back in front of him. "Is something wrong?"
He peeked through his fingers. "No." Then, feeling slightly foolish, he dropped his hands and offered one to Clara. "Will you dance with me?"
Clara grinned. "Of course." She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor, placing her arms on his shoulders. His went around her waist. They swayed aimlessly to the slow, mournful song that was playing.
Off to the side. the gypsy-like woman was now talking to Mr. Baron. "A lovely couple." she said to him, gesturing towards the Doctor and Clara.
Mr. Baron nodded. "Beautiful."
"The way they look at each other." she continued. "No wonder she's married to him at such a young age."
Back on the floor, the Doctor was mesmerized by Clara's eyes. He could see tiny flecks of gold near her irises. She stared back up at him unblinkingly.
The Doctor cleared his throat finally. "Mr. seem very friendly with him."
"Yes." Clara said. "He's very kind."
The Doctor frowned. "Maybe...maybe too kind."
Clara laughed. "Doctor, are you jealous?"
"N-no, of course not. I don't quite trust him, though."
"Don't worry, I'm not about to marry him. Besides, he thinks we're married."
The Doctor's breath caught on the last word. "True."
Clara moved a little closer to him. "Although, if we're married, perhaps you should be a bit friendlier."
There was a pause where all that could be heard was the slow music and the chattering crowd. "Perhaps." the Doctor said finally, pulling her to him so she could rest her head on his chest as they swayed.
She sighed and wrapped her arms around his torso. They slowly turned as they swayed, both silent. He soon pulled back and kissed her forehead silently. She closed her eyes at his touch. He cupped her face and looked straight into her eyes as they continued to sway. She looked intently into his.
I love you his eyes said. You mean so much to me, Clara. I l-
The Doctor abruptly jerked his head away and stared toward the rest of the couples, for fear of what she would see in his eyes. His arms pulled her back to his chest and she rested her chin on his shoulder.

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