Chapter 2- I Can Hear You Dreaming

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Clara closed the fridge in the TARDIS kitchen, grasping a carton of eggs in the other hand. On the other side of a kitchen, a pan sizzled on the stove. Humming lightly, she crossed the kitchen, set the carton down, and cracked a couple of eggs in the pan. "Doctor!" she yelled to his bedroom next door. "Breakfast!"
There was a pause, then she heard his deep Scottish voice shout "Clara!" as if he was distressed.
Clara quirked an eyebrow. "Doctor?" she shouted back at him. "You alright?" There was no response. She poked her head into his room and saw that he was asleep on his bed. Clara was confused. "Huh?" she said aloud.
"Clara!" the Doctor yelled aloud in his sleep. Clara gasped, startled, and dropped the plate of eggs she was holding. The Doctor sat up, suddenly awake. "Clara?" he said, bewildered, as she bent to clean up the mess. Clara looked up at his tousled hair and bare chest.
"Sorry..." she apologized blushingly.
"Clara?" he said again. "What are you doing in my room?"
Clara apologized again and rushed out with the shards of glass and mess of egg. The Doctor came into the kitchen ten minutes later, dressed and shaved. Clara set two fresh plates of scrambled eggs on the table, took off her apron, and sat down next to the Doctor. "Um, sorry again about earlier." she blurted.
"That's quite alright." the Doctor said, looking at her intently. "You don't have to keep apologizing."
Clara smiled shakily. "What were you dreaming about, Doctor? You kept shouting...stuff."
The Doctor's eyes saddened slightly. "I was dreaming...." he said "About..."
Clara placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Go on."
The Doctor cleared his throat. "I, uh...I had lost you, Clara. We had a disagreement with Missy, and...I lost you."
Clara gave him her sad smile. "Oh, Doctor." she said to him. "You won't get rid of me that easily." She placed her other hand on his other arm. The Doctor was suddenly struck by how beautiful she looked in her nightdress, smiling at him with melancholy. His eyes softened and he grasped her forearms, leaning forward slightly. "Clara..." he murmured. She closed her eyes at the way he said her name. The Doctor opened his mouth. "Clara, I-"
But the TARDIS danger alarm had gone off. He quickly jerked out of his seat at the sharp noise and ran toward the console room. "Come on, then!"

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