Chapter 5-The Best Part Is Falling

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The helicopter blades span quickly, beating out a steady rhythm as it flew over the grassy fields of Africa. A cheetah galloped through the trees near the field. Up above in the helicopter, an excited Doctor was reassuring a very nervous Clara Oswald.
"It'll be fine, there's no risk at all with this modern technology." he said confidently.
Clara looked at him doubtfully. "Skydiving was not what I had in mind when you said we were going to have a vacation in future Africa, Doctor."
The Doctor shook his head at her. "Come on, this is going to be fun!" He patted her shoulder.
Clara frowned. "Falling out of a helicopter does not sound fun."
"The best part is falling." the Doctor advised her. Clara caught his eye for a moment, but the doors of the helicopter had opened before she could say anything. Clara inched slowly toward perilously open door, looked down, and gulped. Before she knew it, the Doctor had taken her arm gently and pulled her out of the plane with him, leaving them free falling toward the ground.
"Agh!" Clara screamed loudly. "Doctor!" she shrieked.
The Doctor was laughing and yelling as they dropped toward the field alarmingly. Clara was half sobbing, half laughing as she clung to him in midair. The Doctor pulled both their cords together and the parachutes opened above them. Clara was stunned as they started to fall much slower toward the ground. She kept clinging to him, too terrified to let go. The Doctor wrapped his own arms around her waist and held her to him. The Doctor landed on his feet, but Clara toppled down onto the field. The Doctor laughed, grabbed Clara's hands, and pulled her up. Clara was still shocked but now smiling. She opened her mouth and said, "That was phenomenal."
The Doctor grinned at her and raised his eyebrows. "Good, huh? Wanna go again?"
Clara smiled. "Definitely." She then unexpectedly thrust her arms around his neck to hug him. The Doctor awkwardly returned her embrace, patting her back.
Clara finally pulled away and said seriously, "You're right. Falling was the best part." The Doctor's hearts pounded in his chest and he gazed thoughtfully at her, as if working out a puzzle. He the pulled his arms up, cupped her face, and searched her face with his eyes.
"The thing is, Clara," the Doctor said softly. "I haven't been telling you something."
Clara looked surprised at his choice of physical contact, but wrapped her arms back around him. "What is it, Doctor?"
The Doctor sighed. It was just too difficult for him to speak the simple words to the earnest face staring up at him. She could easily reject him, or dismiss him as an old, decrepit man. He closed his eyes. "Oh Clara." he said to the blackness. "I-"
He was interrupted by the noise of  blades as the helicopter touched down near them. They quickly jumped apart, both embarrassed. Without another word, the Doctor stalked into the plane, followed by a sighing Clara.

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