Chapter 4-I Wish We Would Just Give Up

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The Doctor and Clara were running down a corridor hand in hand, as it should be. Clara ran alongside him, grinning. She had missed the thrill of the chase in her time away. The Doctor ran as fast as he could and squeezed her hand with all his might, for fear of losing her. But he had a smile on his face, too.
"Surrender!" hissed the Raxicoricofallapatorian chasing them. But the two had turned a corner and collapsed into the TARDIS. They sat on the floor with their backs leaning against the door, smiling at each other like idiots.
"That was quite close." huffed the Doctor.
Clara looked at the state of his clothes and the sweat on his face. "It certainly was." she remarked. "You look exhausted." She squeezed the hand that was still enclosed around hers.
The Doctor ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly. "I'll have to have a wash..."
"You definitely should." she said. "I could use one myself."
The Doctor looked at her ripped clothes and disgusting sweaty face and thought to himself that she was the most beautiful sight he had seen in his whole life. He sighed, and she caught him staring at her. "What is it?" she said to him, laughing. "What?"
The Doctor tore his gaze away. "Nothing." He pulled himself a little closer to Clara and rested the hand holding hers in his lap. The Doctor slowly reached up and wiped a trace if dirt off of her face, swallowing. He then opened his mouth and said quickly, "Clara I l-"
The TARDIS suddenly started crashing about, even though they hadn't pulled any levers. Clara yelped and was knocked to side and the next thing she knew, she was on the Doctor's lap. Blushing, she jumped up and yelled, "The Raxicoricofallapatorians! They're shaking the TARDIS!"
The Doctor was redder in the face then she's ever seen him. "Let's just take off!" he managed, rushing to the console. The two flew off in the blue box.

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