Chapter 8-Say I Love You When You're Not Listening

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The Doctor padded around in his socks and pajamas on the metal floors of the TARDIS hallways, looking for his companion. "Clara!" he called. "Clara?"
He hoped she hadn't gotten lost in the infinite expanse of the ship again. It would take ages to find her. Literally.
"Clara!" he said again, "Where have you gone?"
He heard a faint cry of "Doctor!" down the winding corrode towards the library. He hurried towards the door to that particular room and rushed through it. "Clara?" he said yet again, poking his head between two shelves and spotting Clara stretched out on a leather sofa. "There you are!"
Clara lay on her side in her own kid-ish pajamas, engrossed in a book.
"Hello, Doctor." she said without looking up.
The Doctor smiled. "Hello." He walked up to the sofa. "Move over."
Clara frowned. "The couch is too small." she insisted.
"Then get up."
"That's rude!" she scoffed. But she did get off the sofa. It was his, after all. The Doctor sat down on the one-person sofa and stretched his legs out slightly. "Turn around." he instructed, and Clara did so. Then, to Clara's surprise, he pulled her onto his lap. Clara shot a surprised look at him. He did seem to be getting used to physical contact quite quickly.
"There we are, then." the Doctor said, as if he had done nothing more than solve a problem. "Two of us on one sofa. Easy."
Clara shrugged in defeat and settled against his chest. His arms wrapped around her middle.
"Will you read to me?" Clara asked.
The Doctor hesitated. "Read to you?"
Clara nodded. "Yes, read me my book. Please?"
The Doctor never stood a chance. He took her Earth book, Pride and Prejudice, opened it to the folded page, and began to read. His Scottish lilt rumbled in his chest against Clara's ear. Clara soon turned around in his arms so that her ear was to his chest, listening to the vibration of his voice. Her arms wrapped around his chest and he pressed a quiet kiss to the top of her head. Soon, the Doctor's voice was dry. He stopped reading, but Clara hardly seemed to notice, though her eyes were open.
"Clara." he whispered, stroking her hair. "Are you alright?"
Clara slid her fingers under his shirt, briefly rubbing his ribs. "I'm fine..." she whispered back.
"I'm going to get a glass of water." said the Doctor softly. "Wait here."
Clara obliged, standing up and allowing him to do so as well. She sat back down as he walked toward the exit. He hesitated at the doorway, his view of her blocked by the rows of shelves.
"I-I love you...." he whispered into the cold air.
But Clara didn't hear him, as usual.

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