Chapter 10-Please Don't Stand So Close To Me

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The Doctor and Clara Oswald were rushing away from the explosion of fire and smoke behind them. They had just witnessed a whole colony of mutated humans get blown up by a legion of Cybermen because they weren't compatible with their upgrade. Fortunately, the explosion had taken out the Cybermen too. Unfortunately, Clara was now trying to hide her tearful face from the gaze of the Doctor. As they ran quickly through the grassy plain, Clara sobbed for the lives of the many innocent half-humans that were obliterated for the selfishness of the Cybermen.
"Far enough!" yelled the Doctor, obviously oblivious to Clara's sadness.
"Right." choked Clara, blinking back her tears and hastily wiping her face. "Can we go back to the TARDIS now?"
The Doctor turned to her, "Not yet." he said. "We have to inspect the debris for any Cyberman remains that may be of use to the Cyberleader."
Clara smiled weakly at him as he put a hand on her arm and steered her back toward the now-destroyed colony. He still had no idea of the emotional pain the explosion had inflicted on her. Halfway through sorting through the pile of buildings and Cyberman parts, they encountered several disembodied human body parts. Tears of disgust and remorse sprung to Clara's eyes again.The Doctor was busy sorting through the Cyberman parts, but turned slowly when he heard a stifled sob.
"Clara!" he exclaimed as he rushed to her side. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"No, Doctor." Clara said through her tears. "It's just...these people...they had lives. They were alive an hour ago, very alive, and they had normal, everyday lives. And now..."
The Doctor immediately placed his arms around Clara and let her rest her crying face on his shoulder. "I know....I'm sorry, Clara." he said, "There was nothing we could do for them."
"It's not your fault..." Clara said, her tears slowly stopping. She felt like a little child again, crying all over the place and in need of comfort. "I'm sorry..." she said, trying to pull away from his arms.
The Doctor didn't let her go. "Sorry? For what?"
"Going emotional on you." Clara said, smiling softly.
The Doctor shook his head. "I don't blame you. It can be too much at times."
Clara sighed and put her arms back around him, gazing up at his sad smile. She giggled shakily. "You're wearing my smile, Doctor."
The Doctor looked down at her. "It's a beautiful smile." he murmured. Then he pulled her closer to him by the waist.
"Thank you..." whispered Clara. Her hands reached up into his hair, pulling his face closer.
He wiped a tear from her face with his fingers and kissed the place it had fallen, a little above her cheek near her cheekbone. "I hate to see you sad, Clara." he said. "I l-" he hesitated, looking down at her thoughtfully. Then he sighed and pulled away from her arms, turning his back to her. "Please," he said. "Don't stand so close to me."
Clara stared after him but said nothing.

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