"Stop ignoring me or-" He cut himself off not letting me know the consequences. I waited a few more seconds until I felt a strong grip around my shirt. My eyes widened as Jimin pushed me away from the sink making me hit the wall creating a loud thud.

I groan quietly looking up at Jimin who was staring at me with satisfied smirk. The room started spinning as I started to hear an ominous ringing sound in my ears. I knew that I needed to throw up but I couldn't since Jimin didn't let me.

He walked close towards and started talking or... asking? I wasn't sure, I couldn't hear. With all the power I had left I put my hands on my head and held it.

Jimin's Pov

I looked down at the hapless and hideous person sitting in the corner obviously sick because of his pallid skin and weak movements. His pain is my satisfaction. I walk over towards him bending sown to his level and start to talk to him.

"You know that everyone hates you but some of them are hiding it. Also, your a coward that no one cares about only your mother and farther, which are related and have to care." This was defiantly a one way conversation.

I smirk knowing that he might black out but I don't care about him. I stand up walking towards the door. I opened it and once more looked back to see Taehyung barely conscious. I knew that he wasn't feeling well since yesterday but that didn't change my attitude towards him a bit. Even though I wondered what was wrong with him.

Jungkook's Pov

I heard a loud thump coming from somewhere in the dorm, but I had no idea where the noise came from for the reason that I didn't know where things are in this dorm yet. I looked at the members and they also looked alarmed. However they just shrugged it off and continued to have a grown up talk that I did not understand.

Few minuets later Jimin came with a wide smile on his face? Wae? I looked at him confused as he just continued to smile brightly on his face which, to be honest, made me worried.

"Where's Tae?" I looked behind Jimin to see if Tae came too but no luck making me pout.

"Nicknames already?" Jimin sits back down and listens to the grown up talk making me annoyed.

"You didn't answer me." I stated staring at him waiting for an answer.

"Ah- Heh, last time I saw him was near his room on the corridor." Jimin scratches his hair making me feel like he's lying.

"Oh, ok." I looked at my feet and thought of a lie to get away from here and to go to Tae. "Jimin-ah~ I'm going to my room and rest hopefully escaping this grown up talk." I eyed Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin. Jimin laughed out loud eventually hitting the floor with red hot laughter. I smile at them and slowly walk away exploring and discovering new ground.

At first I found Namjoon's room whom still hasn't unpacked, his room was plain as well as everything else. I learned nothing new about him, he only had a few papers on his white desk with something written on it but I didn't want to go inside their personal things. I locked his door again slowly making my way through the hall way.

I continued down on reaching for the next door. This time it had a lot of pink in it which made me surprised; pink clothes, items and Mario dolls. In confusion I close the door because I was afraid that my eyes could bleed from too much pink. I looked at the door plate and it showed: Kim Seokjin. Today I found out one fact about one of my members; Jin loves the colour pink.

Next door had a label saying: Jung Hoseok. I grabbed the handle and there was his stuff, My eyes widen as I find around 5 suitcases inside his room. "Wow..." I mumble under my breath as I look at the colour of them. they all had one thing in common; They were all green but different shades. Knowing another fact, I close the door walking towards someone else's. Hoseok likes green, fine colour but not mine.

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