Chapter 12 - Guys Are Like Placemats, They Only Show Up When Food's On The Table

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"Hadley! Oh honey I'm so glad to see you!" My Mom said as she ran out of her car to hug me tightly as they arrived back from their trip.

"Mom, I missed you! And you're so tan!" I exclaimed as I looked her up and down and noticed how tan she had gotten while in Hawaii.

"Oh I know, but you should see the twins! They have definitely tanned this last week." She said with a chuckle as the two of them stepped out of the vehicle with sunglasses on and floral shirts obviously purchased in Hawaii.

"Now where's your Dad?" She asked looking at me with seriousness yet excitement in her blue eyes.

"He is at work," I told her having absolutely no idea if he was there or not right now. He could be at his friends house, at work, he could honestly be in Japan right now and I would have no clue.

"Really? He promised to be here on the day we got back though," she said sighing as the boys started to walk over to us to grab me in a tight and joyful hug.

"Hi Hadley!" Cody said with a big smile on his definitely tanned face.

"Hello boys, how was Hawaii?" I asked them with a smile as we all let go of each other so they could tell me about their amazing vacation.

"It was awesome! We swam with dolphins!" Jacob exclaimed excitedly as the smile on his face grew even bigger than it was when he first stepped out of the car.

"Really? That's amazing!" I said as Cody shook his head and smiled along with Jacob.

"Where's Dad?" They asked noticing he wasn't waiting for them outside with me.

"He's at work, he tried to come home but he couldn't make it." I said looking at them hopeful that they would both believe me.

"Oh, well that's okay. We'll see him later!" Jacob said with a smile as the frown disappeared off of his face from when I told him.

"Alright, how about we carry your things inside?" I asked them with a chuckle as we all began walking over to the car to grab all of their things out of the trunk.

"I guess." Said he'd Cody loudly as they both followed right behind me.


"So you haven't talked to you're Mom?" Quinn asked as we sat outside of the school on a bench.

"Nope, how do I tell her something like that?" I asked her as we sat there enjoying the pure silence.

"I think you should just be honest." She said shrugging her shoulders while we watched birds fly around the leafy trees happily.

"I know. I need to tell her, and I need to be honest about it when I do, but I don't want to be the one to break her. I don't want to be the person that tells her the news that can destroy her marriage." I said sighing frustratedly.

"Honestly, I think it's great you're even thinking about telling her. I don't think I'd tell my Mom," she told me as she just stared into the trees with deep thought as we sat there.

"I'm gonna tell her, I'm gonna tell her today after school." I said talking to myself more than I was her, but I needed her support on this.

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