Chapter 9 - Guys Are Like Cars, Always Going Way Too Fast

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"Wait so I have to be the pregnant one?" I asked Mr. Portsmaner as he stood in front of our group with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Hadley is pregnant, Connor is the first baby daddy, Kyle is the husband and second baby daddy, and Hannah will be the nanny. So there will be custody, and drama, but this was is always fun. I get the most feedback on this one, and I enjoy seeing what you all learn." He told us with a smile as we all sat at a round table while he explained everything to us. "Now I will be back with the simulator, stroller, and everything else we give you for the baby. Don't worry, you'll all have fun."

"Wow Hads, so I guess we can tell our parents the news." Kyle said with a laugh as he looked at me with a joking smile.

"Yes, I'm sure my Dad will be ecstatic when I tell him I'm married to you and expecting your baby, and I already have one with Connor." I said with a joking smile as he chuckled at me.

"Okay, well are you guys busy after school because we can all meet up and figure something out for this project," Kyle suggested as we all sat there while everyone else in the class talked with their group.

"I'm not busy, and you all know where I live so we can meet at my place," I suggested to them once Kyle finished his sentence.

"I don't know where you live, but I'll be able to go." Said Hannah quietly as she sat there with an innocent smile.

"Alright, do you have a car?" I asked her about to offer her a ride home with Kyle, Quinn and I.

"No, I didn't drive this morning." She said as she looked at the ground forgetting the idea.

"Oh no worries, I'm bringing Quinn and Kyle home so you'll be able to catch a ride with me. You guys just have to be gone by five because I'm going to my younger brothers' basketball game, but I can drive you and Kyle home." I said with a smile as I offered her my driving services.

"Alright if you're sure you can drive I can make it," she said with a smile and nod as we all turned to face Connor who was sitting there awfully quiet.

"Alright, I'll walk over there when I get home." He said with a small smile as he looked at me.

"Okay kids, here is everything." Mr. Portsmaner said as he came back carrying a full diaper bag, and he was pushing a stroller that had an attachable car seat with two different baby simulators in the stroller.

"Okay, I only have one kid." I said as I watched him walk over to us.

"Oh I know, I'm giving you the option of a boy or girl." He said with a smile and I just kind of froze in place.

"Hadley, choose one," Kyle said kindly as he gave me a small nudge.

"Oh I don't care, Connor can pick one." I said with a smile as I snapped out of the short daze.

"I have no idea." Said Connor as he looked at me with a very confused look on his face.

"Alright, we'll change it up. Hadley you're three days from going into labour, after three days you'll get the second baby. For now your first child is a boy. So no driving, or running, or any of that sorts because you are just under the line of being nine months pregnant." He told us with a smile as he changed the entire thing and gave us a new challenge.

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