Chapter 3 - Guys Are Like Curling Irons, Always Hot & In Your Hair

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"It's negative," Quinn said as she looked at me not knowing how to react.

"Oh, well, that's good, I guess," I said as I looked towards the ground with tears. The news is wonderful, I just had my hopes up.

"Look, it'll happen one day but right now it's for the best. This way, you can at least settle down with someone you truly love when you're ready." Quinn said as she sat the test down on the counter where I could see the small, red minus.

"I just thought, maybe I did have something great. I got my hopes up, and I know I shouldn't be sad over something I never had, but I can't help it." I said as I tear slipped down my lightly pink cheek.

"I'm here for you if you need me, just remember how hard it would be to raise a child right now," she said reminding me with a giant hug. That's all I needed, was a hug.

"Okay, thanks Quinn. I hope you know, I wouldn't be able to get through everything in my life if you weren't here," I told her as we squeezed each other tightly with love.

"Well that's what best friends do, right?" She asked as we both pulled away and smiled.

"Yes they do, but for now I think I should get some time alone to process everything happening. Thanks, for helping me out today though," I said as she smiled and nodded her head understandingly. Without words or hesitation, she grabbed her bag and exited my room quickly and quietly.

I sat there, who knows how long. I really wanted a baby, as hard as it would be I wanted someone to come home to and love and care for. Maybe Quinn was right, I need to be stable, love someone and be able to care for a child properly. I don't love Connor, I have a part-time job and I have no idea what to do with a baby.


"Hadley, hon, maybe we should take you to the doctor," my Mom said as she held my hair up and rubbed my back as I threw up last nights dinner.

"I don't think that's necessary," I said as I flushed the toilet seat disgusted by the taste in my mouth.

"Honey, you've been throwing up every morning for the last week and a half, I'm booking an appointment." She said as she walked out of my bathroom, leaving me there alone to brush my teeth and rinse the taste out of my mouth.

"Ugh, but I'm not sick. It's just my graduation nerves!" I called to her with a toothbrush in my mouth.

"Hadley, we're going and you can't change that," my Mom called back as I heard her walked up the stairs to her bedroom.


"Hey Hads, what's up with you?" Quinn asked as I sat down beside her at a picnic table.

"I have no idea what's wrong with me, for the past couple days I've continued to throw up." I said quietly into her ear so that none of my other friends would find out about what's been happening.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor," Quinn told me as she whispered quietly into my ear.

"Yeah, my Mom is booking and appointment for me. I guess she's pretty worried," I said as I shrugged my shoulders and looked towards our other friends to join in on the conversation they were in the middle of having.

"No,they're not." Sam said as he looked at Jayden with mixed emotions of love and frustration written clearly across his face as the two of them argued.

"They are too," Jayden said as she crossed her arms while pouting.

"I'm sorry, Jayds, but Dolphins are definitely not smarter than humans." Sam said while you could tell her was trying to hold in a laugh.

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