Chapter 2 - Guys Are Like Mascara, They Run At The First Sign Of Emotion

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"Ugh," I groaned as I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight. My head was pounding and I began to feel sick. Quickly I stood up and realized exactly where I was; Tristan's guest bedroom. I ran into the first door I saw, knowing it was a bathroom.

I was crouched behind the toilet throwing up all of the alcohol I consumed last night, which was quite a bit. Quickly I flushed the toilet and sat down on the bathtub ledge. I tried to remember everything that happened last night, but I couldn't it was all blurry. Suddenly I realized I was in my bra and underwear, which definitely didn't seem right.

Worried, I walked back into the bedroom where I woke. The bed had another person in it, a guy. Well not just a guy, a guy I had sex with. A guy I lost my virginity to, the guy I lost my virginity to is Connor fricken Defoe.

I'm not sure how it happened, but it should not have happened at all. Quickly I found all of my clothes, without making sure everything was on I left the room quietly hoping he wouldn't wake up to catch me sneaking away.

As I walked quickly down the stairs I decided I better go and find Quinn and Asia, who are both probably still somewhere in the house. As I walked through the living room I spotted Quinn lying on the couch. She looked so peaceful, which made me feel bad I had to wake her up.

"Quinn," I said quietly as I shook her so that I wouldn't wake anyone else that was asleep in the living room. "Quinn, get up."

"Go away, Hadley, or you will be punched." She said angrily without opening her eyes. She definitely had a lot to drink last night because usually she wasn't this mean towards people.

"Wake up, Quinn, or you'll be left here to deal with Tristan." I said fighting back at her knowing she would get up no matter how much of a headache she has, she doesn't want to deal with a hungover Tristan because he gets awfully mean.

"Fine, I'm up." She said as she sat up and slowly opened her eyes so that the sun wouldn't blond her as bad as it did me. She has obviously done this many time, yet she continues to do it for unknown reasons because she feels terrible afterwards.

"Great, now we have to find Asia," I told her as she grabbed my hand so that I would help her stand up. Her legs were slightly wobbly, but she soon found her balance in the crowded room. It was hard to walk quickly, mainly because people were passed out drunk across the entire floor, yet we couldn't find Asia in any of the people.

"Maybe she's in the backyard," Quinn suggested as she yawned tiredly.

"She probably is." I said as we began to walk towards the patio door. "How come you didn't get sick when you woke up?"

"I'm not sure, did you get sick?" She asked as we walked into the backyard that was covered in red solo cups and teenagers. It was incredibly hot outside and the sun burned my eyes with its golden rays of light.

"Yes, I woke up throwing up." I told her as we walked through the sleeping people. I didn't understand how they could be fast asleep while we were walking right over top of them and the sun was so bright. I would have already woken up if I was asleep outside because the sun and heat would have bothered me.

"Well maybe I'm used to it, I do drink more than you do." She said as I remembered that her parents don't mind if she has some drinks every now and then. Her parents don't seem as if they would allow it, but they don't mind as long as she isn't a complete drunk all of the time.

"That's probably it, my parents aren't as easy going about alcohol." I said as I shrugged my shoulders slightly. My parents rarely let me drink, only at parties once in a while. Besides parties I'm not allowed to consume any of their alcohol, and I'm too young to buy it so I don't ever have any.

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