Chapter 2

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I'm sitting in the back of the room in geometry. I like the back, I can't hurt anyone in the back. No one gives me a hard time in the back. No one wonders why I look nervous. No one asks what language I'm writing in. I love the back.

"Excuse me, Miss- Um" The teacher stammers, not aware of my name. Damn! Usually this is second week stuff. Now they all look at me, curious suddenly.  I sit up in  my seat, gulp, and open my mouth to speak.

" Giles, Sir. Adriana Giles."

" Well, Miss Giles, can we bother you to participate in this social intercourse about hypotenuses?"

Ugh, another teacher who believes that if you use more English-sounding words, I actually LISTEN.  

" Well, Sir, I happen to believe in social abstinence before marriage." 

Some laughs at this. Not my best comeback, but, hey. It worked, didn't it? The poor man is standing up there, looking as if he is about to send me to Hell itself. So, I lean forward, tilt my head up in that cute British schoolgirl way teachers drool over, and give him all I've got about Hypotenuses, in my best imitation of a professor. I even remove my glasses in that intelligent way. 

Sure enough, he eats it up. The class looks at me, obviously impressed. For the rest of the period, I am undisturbed. Mostly. That boy, Xander, is in my class. He keeps looking back at me. Finally, I can't stand it.

" Oi! D'you mind? Try ta learn here!" I whisper-hiss at him.

" What language is that?" He snatches my notes away. 

I try to grab them back, but then the teacher turns around. I smile at him charmingly until he turns back. Then I turn to Xander. He isn't going to give them back. I don't need this. I hiss at him, and fear flashes across his face. Shocked, he releases the crumpled paper.He doesn't bother me anymore.


Lunch. I need to find a table, ALONE. Gran packed this last lunch for me, but now I need to start packing my own lunches. I look around the cafeteria, my green eyes frantic. Finally, I see it. The lone table. Yes!! I zoom over there, and sit down in the rock-hard chair gratefully. I'm so hungry. 

I'm enjoying my sandwich, when a tray sets down across from me. I raise my eyes, and they meet  the hazel irises of Willow. She smiles, then asks, " Can we sit here?"

" We?"

Just as I finish saying this, Two more people sit down on either sides of her. Xander and the Slayer.

" Yeah, sure. I guess."  I say to my boots.

Buffy looks at me. " So, How'd you know I'm the Slayer?" She says calmly, chewing on a french fry.

I look at her. " Well, it's easy! First off, your eyes, they look like someone who has seen WAY too much death."

" Really? That's all?"

" Yeah, well, there's another way to tell- here, lemme show you." I grab her right hand and flip it over.  " There! Wood scars! and if you look at the neck, you'll see faded bite marks."  

She snatches her hand away, offended. " What are you??" She demands. 

"Ask your precious Giles, he's supposed to tell you everything!" 

And with that, I pull out my thermos, and insert the steel straw into the hole, and drink luxuriously. 

" What is that? In your Thermos?" Xander demands.

" Mm, believe me, you wouldn't want a taste. I don't want a taste, but I have to. Sort of a health drink."

" And if you don't drink it?" 

" I die."

The bell rings, and I throw my garbage out, and walk to class. English. 

" Wait! Adriana!" Calls a kind voice behind me. Willow. 

" Yeah?" 

" Are you a vampire?"

" Good God, no! Well, not completely. It's a long story. Are you going to english?"

" No, I'm going to meet Giles at the library. Want to come?"

I'm about to say no, but her eyes plead. Besides, English isn't such a good subject for me. 

" Yeah, sure."

She smiles, and we head through the swinging double doors to the library.



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