“No, not till you stop hanging out with Zayn”

“Wake up, Zayn is never going to notice you. And if he did, he would forget you within a second. Now move” I say pushing the girl away.

“You think that?”

“No darling, I know” I say walking over to Marcus.

Jesus Chirst, I am so damn really mean, now I think about it… oh well, I don’t like people so it’s not really my problem.

“Watch out, we got ourselves a bitch over here” Marcus says.

“I’m not a bitch. I’m just not so really nice to some people”


“I am not”


“Stop it Marcus”



“Hey psst, Maura, it’s twenty past twelve” Marcus says poking my arm.

“Yeey, I know” I say while we both act way too happy, just like we’ve just won the lottery.

“Shut up” someone says.

“Sush you, she’s hanging out with One Direction” Marcus yells at the kid.

“Marcus, calm down” 

“Stupid people, I spit in all their faces”

Sure Marcus, keep on dreaming little boy.

“Aight, have fun spitting, Zayn is here” I say when I get a text, ”I’m off, see you when I have a tattoo”

“Have fun getting a tattoo with my boy”

“Thanks boy” I say as I walk out of the auditorium 

When I walk outside, I already see Zayn’s car, walk over to it and get in.

“So… you ready?” he asks me.

“Not really, but it’s not like I’m going to die”

“You never know”

“Zayn” I say punching his arm.

“Please, don’t kill me, otherwise you have to walk back home”

“Yeah, I’m not really in the walking mood, so I won’t kill you… today”

“Wauw, thanks”


“So, here we go” the tattoo artist says.

“Wait, Zayn, give me your hand” I say.

“Here, squeeze as hard as you can” he says reaching his hand out to me.

“Thanks” I say grabbing Zayn’s hand and squeezing it really hard.

“You ready?” the tattoo artist asks.

“Sure… I guess” I say.

“Ok, here we go, officially”

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