02: Morning Walks and Side Chicks

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[A/N: Justin and Rhea's house in the description]

We poppin' like ayo

All my bitches got real hair chilling with the top down

Screaming like ayo

The sound of Chris Brown and Tyga's Ayo blared through my iHome signalling that it was time for me to get up this morning. My hand slammed on my clock/speakers to turn it off letting it know that I am now awake.

I sat up in my new king sized bed that Justin surprised me with yesterday. Once graduation was finished, both him and Rachel threw me a party here at Justin's house. It was more of a 'Welcome Home'/Congratulations party.

The only sad part was that Chaz and Ryan weren't there, but they're flying in this week and I'm super stoked about it. I miss the two knuckleheads.

Hopefully they'll be able to keep me sane whenever Justin flies in another one of his hoe's.

Maybe that was a bit rude. Should I take it back? Actually no, I won't take it back. I'll be baffled when Justin hits up a girl that isn't an instagram model nor has a big ass. Rachel said she's still waiting until Justin flies out a pornstar.

Yeah, that'll make some headlines for sure.

Speaking of headlines, it's a field day in the media now that they know I'm living with Justin. A portion of Beliebers are praising God that 'Jhea' is back together, while others are livid saying 'Jhea is dead they're just friends.'

I thought it would be a good idea to clear the air so I tweeted out last night saying I'm only living with Justin until I'm settled when my cafe business starts. Plus, they have nothing to worry about because at the end of the day, Justin is still 'their Justin.' And they're still 'his beliebers.'

Rubbing my eyes to rid of the crustiness, I felt a bit more awake.

I hope Justin has ingredients downstairs so I can make pancakes.

Well, if he doesn't I don't mind taking a quick trip to Safeway to buy some. I'm having a strong craving for pancakes and nothing will stop me. Fun fact: A way to a girl's heart, well at least mine, is to buy her food.

Fuck that romantic shit.

It's romantic if you buy me french fries from McDonald's.

Walking into my bathroom, I did my morning routine which consisted of the basics: brushing my hair, washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc. I wasn't really a morning shower type of girl, I saved showers for right before I go to bed. It's much more relaxing for me.

Once I finished the necessities, I left my bathroom and walked downstairs to the kitchen in my pajamas not really caring about my choice of clothes. I'm at home anyways who cares.

"I really hope Justin has pancake mix," I mumbled, opening the fridge.

My eyes glanced over the packs of beer and bottles of water. Though there was a milk carton happily sitting in the middle rack, there wasn't any eggs. I huffed, slamming the fridge shut wishing Justin didn't live off of take-out and fast food.

I saw a post-it note stuck on the fridge.


I made your favorite pancakes early this morning before driving back to Huntington. It's in the oven, so don't attempt to cook anything!

Love you baby,


Grinning, I chirped, "German pancakes!"

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