My eyes travelled down to them and flicked back up to his eyes. I’d made it pretty clear what I was after and Jord made no hesitation and complying.

His lips touched mine and I smiled against them.

Being too preoccupied with my lusty thoughts, I didn’t notice Jord’s arm creeping upwards, and when my popcorn was snatched from my hand it finally snapped me back to reality.

He pulled away and grinned at me, waggling the back in front of my face tauntingly.

I grimaced. “That wasn’t fair.” I complained as he took a big handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

He shrugged. “I thought it was pretty clever.” He complimented himself, sitting back in his seat, a big smirk on his face as he pretended to be absorbed in the film once more.

Sighing and knowing there was nothing I could do, I snuggled back into his side, letting him place an arm back over my shoulder.

Once we were comfortable again, I couldn’t help myself grabbing a handful of popcorn.


“What a load of rubbish.” Grace commented once we’d left the theatre and gone back to the foyer.

“Agreed.” I muttered. “That was awful.”

Jord chuckled to himself. “Some of it wasn’t too bad.” He sent me a cheeky smirk.

Matt seemed to remember what he had witnessed in there then and his eyes widened as he looked between Jord and I. “Come on then, lets get the explanation.” He demanded expectantly.

“Maybe we should just concentrate on getting out of here first.” I suggested seriously. Having one person who could have potentially recognised us didn’t mean there weren’t going to be anymore.

Jord nodded in agreement. “I don’t want to risk anything else.” He said. “In fact, we should probably leave separately. You and Grace go and Matt and I will, meet at the car.”

We were still stood mainly in the corner where you came out of the theatre, so no one had even looked in our direction. It still wasn’t worth the risk of someone noticing us though.

Grace and I went first, strolling out casually and chatting normally as though I wasn’t actually slightly nervous of being spotted. The incident with the two girls earlier had put me on edge and grasp the reality of being caught with Jord.

“So, that kiss was pretty impressive in there earlier.” Grace commented casually, a cheeky smile on her face.

I felt my face flush, I wasn’t used to kissing Jord in front of people and Grace commenting on it made me remember how inappropriate it had actually been. I laughed. “Yeah.” I admitted. “We might have got a bit carried away.”

“The whole you and Mr. Armstrong thing was kind of surreal until then, but you definitely convinced me. It’s just a good job those two girls didn’t recognise you.”

“I know, that was a close one.” I agreed.

“I wonder how Matt will take it?” Grace wondered aloud, looking amused as we both remembered his stuttering state back in the theatre.

Opening my mouth to laugh, I was cut off by someone calling my name. “Jessica!”

When I turned around, it was a girl I used to talk to when Mel and I were ’friends’ with Leonie. “Hi Chloe.” I replied, trying not to let a grimace slip onto my face. Chloe had been one of many who had bullied me when I was a ’nerd’, then suddenly decided I was good enough to be friends with when I became a sarcastic bitch. She wasn’t someone I liked to associate myself with.

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