Then he sighed.

[But that isn't a job for the Cavallone Boss. Now, main priority is to meet Reborn for whatever he asked for.]

He chuckled and looked out to the sky again.

[I won't give up either way, 27. We're under the same sky after all.]

Then a thought rose into his head and he touched the window.

[That is unless, you are the sky, of course.]


It was two hours later when Tsuna woke up.

[I fell asleep...? First time in a while...maybe Kakeru was seriously pissed off today after fighting Gokudera...]

He tried standing up but a wave of nausea engulfed him and he gave up. Reborn was going to be late today because he went to see a client or something and would be late so he should be fine for a while more.

He looked around. Urghh blood was everywhere. He looked at his right hand to find it bruised and covered in scars. He couldn't see through his left eye because of the blood from his head.

Nothing else to do but to sleep the nausea away for now.


However fate does not like a villain.

The next time he woke up was from a shake. He opened his eyes to see a worried face looking at him.

He immediately recognized the face, however he also remembered his situation.

What on EARTH was Dino Cavallone doing in his house, or rather his room?

Tsuna's eyes snapped open. He was in his pool of now dried blood, with Dino and Reborn looking at him with a worried face.

"Hey, you, what happened here?" Dino asked, trying to sound calm.

Tsuna thought for a while before he mouthed the words, 'Nothing'.

"There's no way this is nothing, Tsuna! Answer properly!" Reborn aimed his gun at him.

Tsuna was silent.

And suddenly Kakeru came in.

"What, Tsuna, you're still like that? It's been five hours. Get up, lazy ass, and clean up, I can smell your bloody mess from my room." he scowled.

Tsuna held his breath.

"Bakakeru...what on earth did you do?" Reborn asked, more like demanded, his voice luminous, killing intent murderous.

"What? I was just releasing my anger!"

"On your brother?"

"He's just Dame-Tsuna! No one freaking cares!"


Reborn had already dragged his student elsewhere.

Dino was utterly disappointed. He came all the way here to find the soon-to-be Vongola Decimo was a bloody excuse for a brother. The data on the Vongola was wrong. He'll have to tell 27 about this later.

He turned back to the boy whom he found in a bloody mess. Only to see the insane idiot standing up and walking around already. "OY!"

The male turned around with a confused look on his face.

"Don't give me that 'is there a problem' face! You're a freaking bloody pulp! You belong in a hospital!"

Tsuna wrote on the wall. I've rested enough.

"You're still bleeding! Why aren't you weak from blood loss?"

Tsuna tapped on the words he wrote again.

"It doesn't make sense!"

Tsuna ignored him and pushed him out lightly.

"Open the door!"

He received no reply.


A while later the door opened, and the blond sitting against the door got up to see the brunette groaning at him. There was a bandage on his head and other parts of his body.

Peeking into his room he could spot no trace of blood anymore. He groaned inwardly. So this was how he hid it?

Tsuna looked around before staring at Dino.

He took out some paper and wrote, Who are you?

"Me? I'm Dino."

[Dino Cavallone, also called the Bucking Horse or Bucking Bronco. The Boss of the Cavallone Famiglia that is useless without his subordinates.]



"Then, Tsuna, how are you fine after losing that much blood?"

He got a door slammed shut in his face.

[To think the Bucking Bronco would appear at my house...moving around will be harder now...]

Tsuna bit his fingernails.

[And Bronco just said he was heading to Namimori too...]

Then it struck him. [No frickin way.]

[I had my doubts, but I've been talking to the real Bucking Bronco this whole time???]

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