Chapter 7: Naruto's Plan

Start from the beginning

        Naruto looked hesitant at my mention of murder, but he slowly grinned. "Well, I'll wing that part. Now let's get wild."

      "A lot of arrogance but.. do you stand a chance?" Zabuza confidently spoke, making Tazuna step back a little.

      "What are you doing! Run away! This fight was over the moment I was caught! Our duty is to protect Tazuna-san! Or did you forget that?" Kakashi yelled, making a frown fall to my face.

      Geez what a downer. I completely agree, but still...

      "Old man?" Naruto asked, making my eyes slightly roll.

      "...Well," Tazuna paused. "I planted this seed myself. I'm not going to now say that I desire to live so much that I'd stop you. I'm sorry guys.. Fight as you want," Tazuna spoke, making Naruto grin and Sasuke smirk.

      "Pft. You hear that?" Sasuke questioned, his left side of his lip unturned only.

      "Are you ready?" Naruto asked back.

"Does that mean you will actually pay us the proper mission fee?"


"Come on, we are getting twenty percent more the Tora the cat mission. I wouldn't get out of bed for twenty percent."

      "Haha..... Hahahaha. You guys will never grow up," the sword wielding man smirked.

"I think you grew up a bit too much," I commented.

      "I think you need to learn the terms 'time and place' Sana," Sakura told me, trying to lighten the mood.

      "Going to keep 'playing' ninja, eh?" Zabuza taunted. "When I... When I was about your age.. These hands were already dyed red with blood."

      "Devil Zabuza.." Kakashi muttered.

"And my point is made," I finished.

      "Ah... So you've heard a little about it," Zabuza arrogantly taunted.

      "Long ago, in the hidden Mist village also called the Bloody Mist Village there was a final obstacle in becoming a ninja," Kakashi's eye slightly narrowed.

      My tutors would go through the bingobook like a bedtime story, picking out tales they felt I would like and ignoring that I would have preferred actually going to sleep instead. At least it prepared me for this story though.

      "Hm, you even know about that graduation exam.." Zabuza trailed off as if he were reminiscing the memories of it all.

      "The exam?" Naruto questioned making Zabuza laugh. "What's this graduation exam thing?"

      Zabuza's laugh got louder.

      "Fights to the death between the students," was Zabuza's harsh reply.

      Naruto's eyes widened, surprised and sickened while I only frowned, "I don't know why he's trying to intimidate us, I mean he could just kill us instead with his skill level," I told Sakura.

"Why do you do make it worse?" she mumbled with a tremor.

      Zabuza then went on a speech about how he killed a bunch of children when he was in school, leaving him with some weirdo nickname that I'll probably forget in a minute. Most of it was merely repeat of what I'd already heard, so I found myself more focused on the hem of my tee, finding the rips had started to spread.

      "That sure was fun," Zabuza gave a closed eyed smile, before slowly opening them devilishly.

      Before anyone could react Zabuza had elbowed each Naruto and Sasuke, who had stood in front of everyone else, back in two different directions. Quickly, I abandoned thoughts of fashion as I pulled out two kunai knives and tried to swiftly plug them into Zabuza's stomach as he dealt with my two comrades. Without much luck Zabuza twisted both my arms and threw me back, but I had given Sakura and Tazuna enough time to run backwards.

       I rushed forward, darting between the shadow clone that focused on Sasuke's as I tossed a shuriken towards the clone Zabuza's legs.

      Zabuza quickly and simultaneously dodged the shuriken, sending me an annoyed frown before he kicked Sasuke back making blood seep through Sasuke's pale lips as he gasped.

      "Die," murmured the water clone Zabuza.

      "Damn it!" Naruto swiftly preformed a few symbols with haste. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

      My mouth dropped at the amount of shadow clones surrounding the area. Naruto had hundreds where as I could barely muster up one.

      "A Shadow Clones... An a large amount..." Zabuza trailed off.

      "Here I come!!" Naruto yelled, and all at once the shadows clones attacked an open Zabuza. In my ears I could hear the loud battle cry of all one hundred or so of the Naruto clones.

      A small pathetic sigh left my lips.

      All the clones piled themselves on Zabuza in the first few seconds it looked okay until all of the clones were pulled off at once and spun into the air. Naruto smirked throwing Sasuke a windmill Shuriken, as soon as Sasuke's eyes connected with the metal like blade he understood fully what Naruto had planned as he caught it.

      Sasuke opened up the giant Shuriken with a determined pair of onyx eyes. "Evil Wind Shuriken. Shadow Windmill!!"

      Did you actually just think of a name for a technique you have learned three seconds ago?

      "A Shuriken won't work against me," Zabuza arrogantly spoke as Sasuke took a ninja like run, before throwing the sharp looking weapon. The Shuriken swerved right past water clone Zabuza.

      "I see... You're aiming it at the real me. But that's not enough!!" Zabuza exclaimed, catching the giant Shuriken with his free hand. A wide smile spread along my lips at the second Shuriken headed for Zabuza's feet. "Another one in the Shuriken's shadow!"

      Just as I expected Zabuza jumped over the Shuriken. Sakura gasped horrified that the plan had failed. Sasuke stayed with his smirk.

      "But it's still not enough," Zabuza arrogantly stated.

      "Heh..." Sasuke muttered.

      The second Shuriken puffed into a ball of smoke before turning into Naruto. The blonde haired boy raised a kunai with a smirk, letting out a battle cry before bringing it down at the real Zabuza, forcing said ninja to move his hold from the water prison holding Kakashi.

      I frowned slightly disappointed before turning to Sasuke.

      "Why didn't he just quietly sneak up on the real Zabuza and stab him in the back or something?" I questioned, Sasuke gave me a sideways smirk. I know he said he'd wing the ending, but I think he just had a little too much morals against a man who held our lives in his hands.

      "That would involve a ninja with skill," Sasuke answered.

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