The Gates of Death - Part A

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Chapter Seventeen

The sun had crested the horizon some time ago when Bryant woke with his hair sticking out at odd angles and little crusty things having formed at the corners of his eyes. When Pa was on patrol he slept in, knowing he'd never get the chance otherwise. He stretched and gave a big yawn only to have a dirty sock shoved into his gaping maw by his ever irritating brother.

"Bryant! Your breath stinks like the south end of a north facing mule," griped Cabot. "Quit breathing on me, you pig."

Bryant yanked the disgusting sock from his mouth and gagged, nearly vomiting and choking at the same time. "At least with me, it's just my breath. You stink all over."

Cabot responded by punching Bryant in the shoulder. Hard.

"That's it! When Pa gets back from patrol, I'm telling him about this."

But Cabot didn't hear, or at least was too distracted by the sudden commotion originating from the center of the camp to comment. "Come on. Let's see what's going on." He grabbed Bryant by the wrist and pulled him along. Together they wormed their way through the crowd with Bryant wishing all the while he was still fast asleep.

Both of them drew up when Rusk's voice boomed over the assembly.

"Caddo has brought calamity upon our clan. There is a Speck into our midst and Caddo did this to us. A Speck! Caddo knows our laws. He knows what the Mandu have commanded. But he has chosen to ignore everything and risk further endangering each and every one of us." Rusk had worked himself into a lather. "To make matters worse, he's traded away our reserve of crystals! We got nothing left and nothing to trade."

There were murmurs and dark looks from the crowd, fueling the rage simmering in Rusk.

"The Mandu have decreed all Specks are to be offered as a sacrifice and yet Caddo thinks himself above the law. Is Caddo above the law?" he shouted.

"No!" cried out several voices in the crowd.

"Is Caddo more powerful than the Mandu?"

"No!" Even more voices joined in.

"Is Caddo wiser that the Mandu?


"Is the safety of your family, of your children, and of our clan, more important than this worthless Speck?"

This time, all joined together with a shout. "No!"

"Then this Speck, like all others before him, must be submitted for judgment to appease the wrath of the Visitors. We must protect our clan and obey the Mandu!"

Shouts rang out through the camp, some with anger at Caddo, others filled with fear at the thought of retribution from the Mandu for harboring a Speck. Rusk had worked the crown into a rabid frenzy, one mere step above a mob. He fanned the flames of fear into a raging fire.

Bryant scanned the angry faces, hoping to hear someone--anyone--speak up in Wyatt's defense. But nothing other than the voices of fear and hostility surged through the crowd as Rusk yanked the bedraggled Speck by a leather thong tied around his neck. He watched, trembling in resentment and frustration as Wyatt stumbled along behind Rusk. They headed north, away from the caravan.

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