Chapter 12

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     'Where's Sebastian?! WHY ISN'T HE SAVING ME?!!!!' you screamed in your head.

     Claude began to lean onto you. You tried pushing him away, but to no success. His lips touched yours and you felt your knees weaken (NO THIS WILL NOT TURN INTO A CLAUDE (FOR THE 50000TH TIME STOP TYPING CLAUSE) X READER).

     Then, right before you were about to fall to the ground, a butter (I typed butler at first) knife lodged into his shoulder. And a very, very, VERY angry looking Sebastian was holding MANY more. He swiftly came between you and Claude, then threw him against the wall. 

     You've never seen Sebastian so angry. You didn't realize it, but you were shaking. Then, their eyes changed (you know what I'm typing about, don't make me explain it). 

     'Of course! Claude's a demon too! Was it obvious the entire time......or am I just really, really, slow.' you mentally said. 

     "Don't ever touch her again." 

     Sebastian's voice was cruel and rather gruesome sounding. Claude may have deserved it, but you didn't like it. It honestly terrified you. Scratch that, it terrified you beyond being terrified. 

     You've never been afraid of him the entire time you've known him. Even when you were arguing (I mean back when you still hated him). You didn't even want to be on the same planet now. 

     It was a small reminder of what he really is. A demon. Cruel, greedy, heartless, all of the above.

     But, it was also a fact that he was protecting you. 

     "Claude, we're leaving." Ella called. 

     He joined her at the end of the hall, glaring at you and Sebastian as he did. After they left, it was completely silent. Before you could react (still kind of in shock), Sebastian threw, yes threw, you over his shoulder. He went up the stairs and threw, yes threw again, you into your room, onto the floor, from which you did not move. You were currently trying to process everything (also another reason Ciel never takes you anywhere, it takes you a while to sort out dramatic things). 

     "I believe I told you to stay away from him." Sebastian growled.


     "You what? What if I hadn't been there? What if he had taken you?" 

     Sebastian has never yelled at you either. As if it would help any, you scooted over to the wall, and refused to look at him. He walked over to you, knelt down to your level, and grabbed your chin rather harshly. He forced you to look into his still glowing eyes. He was obviously still fairly pissed. 

     "Don't leave your room." 

     He got up, walked out, locked the door, and walked down the hall. That's when you burst into tears. 

     'I'm supposed to MARRY that? Til' death do you part, well, not for him, but lucky ol' me is kind of MORTAL.' you mentally screamed. 

     You were arguing with yourself whether it was worth it. You love him, yes, but is it worth being this scared if something happened? Once you had calmed down a bit, you huddled yourself between your bed and the wall. You had eventually cried yourself to sleep.

     Sebastian's POV (Not really, just gonna see what Sebby's up to)

     He didn't mean to snap at you. He did however want to snap Claude. 

     After walking down the hall (like the night creeper he his), he sighed, turned around, and went back to your room. If anything he could cuddle and tell you everything was okay, right?

     But, he found you huddled in your little corner. Your face showed you had been crying, for your make-up, was quite ruined. He sighed once more before picking you up and placing you on your bed. After he made sure you were comfortable, he left to tend to his nightly (creeper) butler duties.

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