Chapter One-Running Away

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     It was raining. Pouring in fact. That didn't stop you. You wanted out. Your parents, you couldn't tolerate them anymore! You had to admit, you were being a bit of a brat, but you didn't care. If anything, the sound of rain on the roof fueled your desire to run even more.

     After carefully moving about your mansion, you escaped through the back door (like a servant's door thing). Maybe you hadn't realized how much rain there was, within seconds you were drenched. For a moment you regretted not grabbing your raincoat, but soon didn't mind. It would have been a hassle to try and be quiet with that huge thing.

     You ran through the squishy ground, careful not to be seen by any guards that may be on duty. There was no light what so ever, for the moon was blocked out by the current storm, so it was slightly difficult to get to the stall.

     "Hey there bud." you spoke silently to your horse.

     You brushed your hand through his smooth brown mane. He quietly neighed in response. As quietly as possible, you saddled him up. The other horses in the stable were nervous, most likely of the storm.

     Hey, at least they weren't outside.

    After saddling up your horse, you thought on WHY you were leaving, why you were leaving your house. Your sister, Ella, was horrible. She was selfish, uncaring to anyone but herself, and VERY greedy. Your parents only cared about appearances. That was enough you decided.

     You clicked (Horse's Name)'s reigns as he started walking. He didn't like storms very much and the sudden flashes of light filling the sky weren't helping. It took some coaxing, but you finally got him out.

     You sighed one last time before going off at a full gallop. (Horse's Name) was doing really well, considering his fear.

'Well bud, we're going home.'  

*Royal Blood - Sebastian x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora