Chapter 7 - Dire News

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The next morning you woke up in a strange room. There was a closet (which honestly most likely had cats in it) and that was mostly it (expect of course the bed you were in). It was dark in there too, curtains were preventing any light from entering the room. Not like there was much of a window anyway, a small basement like window was present.

Deciding to get tried. But unfortunately failed.

"Oh God kill me now." you sighed.

"Ahh, sore are we?" a dark chuckle came from the door way.

"Your fault." you growled.

"Well, the Young Master has requested your c-company. Sh-shall I escort you to his off-office?" Sebastian offered.

He was laughing. He was laughing at your pathetic attempts to stand.

"Stop laughing like the jerk you are and HELP ME!" you swore.

He stopped laughing before you decided to get really mad and picked you up bridal style. Once in Ciel's office he started laughing.

More like an evil laugh though.

"What did I tell you? Did you not believe me when I said Sebastian was a demon?" he smirked.

"Shut up."


"What did you want?"

"I wanted to tell parents are coming over for the next ball. It will take place next week. And another thing, your grandmother will be there. As well as your sister and her.....fiance."

"I'm not going." you stated.

"Yes you are. Your grandmother thought it would be a good idea to announce your engagement with a ball." Ciel explained.

"God the nerve of her!" you shouted.

"You have no choice. Might as well get something to wear. And yes, you have to wear a dress. Your grandmother will be picking it too."

"How the heck is she going to pick it?"

"She'll be here within two hours." Ciel said.

*Royal Blood - Sebastian x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن