Chapter 10 - (.....?)

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You woke up to chirping birds and heard Finny trying to catch Pluto.
"My dear, are you awake?" Sebastian asked from the door.
"Yeah. Now what?"
"The ball is tonight. Just hold off killing that old hag until then at least. Young Master's words not mine." Sebastian explained.
"I think I can manage."
"Right. I have breakfast ready and while you're eating, the Young Master wants to chat about the ball. Granny will be there as well."
"I feel like telling me what's on today's schedule and all."
"If you want to be like the Young Master then I could dress you, in reverse of course." Sebastian purred.
"I'll pass. I'm still sore from last week. Damn you for that."
"I was only doing as instructed dear. I believe it was "harder"? Or did the definition of harder change lately?"
"Shut up." you said blushing.
"I'll be downstairs." he said leaving the room.
Once changed you did as instructed and went downstairs.
"Unhand me demon!" you heard a certain old bag of bones yell.
"Please calm down. The servants do not know of the situation." Sebastian said quite calmly.
You went down the hall and peeked into her room.
It took everything you had not too laugh. Sebastian was trying to get her up and she was being VERY difficult.
He was pulling her legs and she was holding onto the bed frame with her hands. She was also kicking him in the face.
"I insist you come downstairs." Sebastian said in that threatening voice.
"As if you scare me. Now I won't say it again. UNHAND ME YOU FOUL BEAST!"
It was best, as you decided, to not let them see you. So you went downstairs and waited for them.
They eventually came down a few moments after Ciel.
"Morning." you said.
Sebastian raised and eyebrow while you laughed quietly.
"Sebastian, brief them please." Ciel sighed while poking his eggs.
He did as told and explained the layout of the day.
"First the servants and I shall prepare everything for tonight. During the day some special guests may arrive and will be staying for the night. At around seven pm, normal guests will arrive. The ball will last for about three hours. Making it time for the Young Master's bed time."
"You didn't have to stay that." Ciel growled.
"My mistake, Young Master."
Ciel apparently had things to do in town, as did your grandmother so you had no choice but to go with. Not that you minded.

(Is it bad that it took me an hour to write this?)

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