Chapter 5 - Why Do I Feel Like This?

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 As you woke up, you did so with a groan.

"Gods why....ouch...."

Your head hurt, but you don't remember why.

"What the hell did I do?"

Suddenly, it came back. You kissed Sebastian. You. Kissed. Him.

'Well, actually, HE kissed me....he's the one who fell....not like I'm complaining.' you thought.

You decided not to dwell on it and continue to get ready. Standing up, that was something you should have not done. As soon as your feet hit the floor, the rest of you came with them.

You didn't even hear the door opening, let alone the foot steps coming towards you.

"Kitten, is everything alright?" Sebastian asked with real concern.

"I-I'm fine..."

"You should be back to normal in a few hours."

"What happened?"

"Last night? Nothing really. Don't worry about it."

You didn't understand that, but knew to trust him. He wouldn't have done anything harmful. It was probably just hitting your head on something....even though you don't think that happened.

"Go to sleep. Your head should feel better in a little while."

He picked you up and tucked you back into bed.

"What about Ciel?" you yawned.

"I will tell him you're feeling ill, but there's no need for a doctor."



"Are you feeling okay? You're looking at me weirdly."

(Get ready for the cringe and clique ass wording)

"Well....I suppose you won't sleep until I tell you. Last night, I to word this correctly...."

He thought for a moment before turning back to you.

"The only way I can explain this to where you'll understand it is....y-you're....nowmymate."

(Yes, I made Sebastian stutter. *Try to imagine a stuttering Sebastian explaining how much he loves you*)

"I'm what?"




"Sebastian, stop stuttering....wait....oh my God. You're stuttering. That's incredible. I can't hear what you're saying but I bet it's good."

"You...are my mate."

He seemed happy to not have to say it anymore.



"So you me?"

"Humans and their words...."

(more clique wording coming up)

"Beingamate means more than l-loving another. I'll explain later, for now just go to sleep, alright?"

"Okay, whatever you want......Bassy."

He ignored what you called him and walked away, shut your door, and went down the hallway.

'Okay (Name), a demon just pretty much claimed you as his mate.....Do Not Freak Out'

'It's not like he's bad....he's actually pretty good. How bad can being a mate be? It's the same as being married right?'  

*Royal Blood - Sebastian x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon