Chapter 19: A Little Heated

Start from the beginning

Shane: Oh....yeah ok....tell her I'm pissed though!

[Joey's POV]

I reached for my phone in my pocket, I had a few missed calls and a message, I had put my phone on silent for the video.

4 Missed Calls From: Kit Cat

1 Message from: Kit Cat

Joey: She tried calling me!

Shane: She better have been planning on apologising!

I opened the message from Cat.

Cat: Joey! I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were with Shane! I'm not going to tell anyone about you and him I swear! Just call me so I can apologise! Sorry xx <3

Joey: not now Cat....

I turned my cell phone off so I didn't have to see the message she texts back. I wanted to forget about the fact I kissed someone other than my boyfriend and she was the culprit that caused it!

Shane: I'm sorry I yelled...I just didn't want to believe that you kissed someone...but it wasn't your fault...sorry Joey.

Shane grabbed my hand, a tear fell down my face.

Shane: Just remember what happened was her fault...not yours!

Joey: I want to think that....I just can't.

Shane: Joey! It's her didn't kiss her! She kissed you, and you had no control over it! It's not your fault!

Joey: Thanks Shane, if you had have been a girlfriend, you would've dumped me on the spot.

Shane: I couldn't dump you! I love you too much!

I giggled at this, I still find it funny he loves me!

 *10 minutes later*

Shane: We're home and its 1am!

[Shane's POV]

Joey and I got back up to the apartment. Joey went into the kitchen to make a late meal for himself, something with chicken obviously!

Shane: I'll be right out Joey!

Joey: Alright Shane.

I went to the closet to get changed out of my dress shirt and jeans. Spongebob pyjama bottoms and Dolly Parton shirt it is!

[Joey's POV]

I was still sweating from the panic attack I had taken in the car, I took my shirt off and threw it into a laundry pile. Shane walked out from the bedroom closet.

Shane: Shirtless again! Wooo!

Joey: I would've stuck to that shirt if I hadn't taken it off!

Shane: How long before your food is ready?

Joey: About 15 minutes, why?

Shane walked over to be and lifted me, my legs wrapped around his waist. He sat me on the kitchen counter. He kissed me delicately, running his hands up my thighs slowly. This made me shiver. I lifted my hands up to his neck til I was cupping his neck. Keeping one hand on my thigh, Shane raised the other up to my face grabbing it. I jumped off the counter making Shane lean against it. I moved down to his neck, causing him to moan. I pulled away after a few minutes.

Shane: What's wrong?

I didn't reply, I just looked at him.

Shane: Joey, you alright?

Joey: No...Not at all... I don't feel like my usual self. I feel....lost.

Shane: Cat's fucked up your head!

[Shane's POV]

He doesn't feel like himself? This is really making him depressed. He can't stand the thought of me breaking up with him because of Cat kissing him.

I told him I'd be right back. I went to our room and grabbed my phone. I went to text Luke

Shane: Luke! Did Cat tell you what she did?!

Luke: No she hasn't said anything since you left. What did she do?!

Shane: She kissed Joey...he's been a mess since, he had some-what of a panic attack! Is Cat still there?

Luke: Wow! What the heck! Is he okay? Yeah she's here, do you need to speak to her?

Shane: He's freaked out still! Yeah, call me then give her the phone!

I put my phone on silent so Joey couldn't hear it going off when Luke called me. I went into the bathroom so Joey couldn't hear me as much.

*Bzzzzt Bzzzzzt*

Luke: Hey Shane!

Shane: Hi Luke, is Cat with you?

Luke: Yeah, here she is.

Cat: Shane, before you sta-

Shane: You have no idea what you've done to him!

Cat: W-what's wrong with him?

Shane: Well when we left Luke's place, he had a panic attack in the car. He said to me just a few minutes ago he felt....different or lost. You've official fucked with his head.

Cat: Shane! You don't know how sorry I am! Tell him that for me! I had no idea you guys were even together!

Shane: You can tell him yourself some other time....just wanted to let you know what's up with him. Goodbye Cat!

I hung up the phone frustrated. I threw my phone at the wall in anger, smashing it. Joey ran into the room, he must've heard it hit the wall and walked into the bathroom.

Joey: Shane why'd you do that!?

Shane: I just spoke to Cat!

Joey: What did she say?

Shane: Oh she's sorry apparently. I just can't stand her now! I never liked her before this night anyway, but now she's dead to me now. Making you feel the way you do now. And as for my phone, I wish that was her instead.

Joey: You didn't like her before?

Shane: Ohhh, I didn't like the way she acted around you...complimenting you every time there was a slight silence, or getting jealous anytime anyone else said something to nice to you...

Joey strolled over to me and gave me a hug. I held him tightly in no state to let go. Joey whispered into my ear.

Joey: Don't let this bother you like it is doing to me...if you started to lose it I'd have to follow you!

Joey kept hugging me. I didn't want to let him go, not after tonight.

A strange scent had entered the bedroom. It smelt horrible.

Shane: Do I smell something burning!

Joey: Shit!

Joey pounced up and ran into the kitchen that was filled with cloudy smoke! The chicken Joey was making had burnt to the crisp! Joey grabbed the apartment fire extinguisher that was right by the front door. He put the small fire out quickly.

Joey: Well that was smart!

Shane: You said you liked your chicken dark...

Joey smirked and slightly skipped over to me, he stood there.

Shane: What?

Joey: Back to where we left off?


One more chapter coming ASAP after this! Wooo! Shoey!! 


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