"Had some milk and toast," he said. "Felt funny this morning..."

I frowned, "What do you mean you felt funny?"

"I was dizzy again when I woke but I stayed in bed till it went away. Then I made you breakfast!" Harry explained.

"Kitten!" I gasped. "You should have woke me up if you felt funny, what if you had fainted again?"

Harry huffed, "I would not have! Just needed to make you breakfast for your birthday."

I sighed, offering out a bite of eggs to the younger boy. He frowned at first, but I poked teasingly at his lips with the fork until he opened his mouth and allowed me to feed him, "We need to cover some things, my Kitten. You and Jelly Bean are my first priority. It may be my birthday, but I'd be more than willing to make you breakfast in bed. Baby Kitten and Baby Bean, they're the ones who matter."

Harry's brow furrowed, "You matter, too..."

I offered him a spoon-fed bite of applesauce next, insisting, "But not as much as you and Jelly Bean."

"Yes you do!" he whimpered, pushing away the toast I offered him and leaning to press his face against my chest. "Y-you m-matter to m-me, you d-do! Love y-you s-so much!"

The tone of his voice sounded as if there were tears approaching, so I quickly cuddled him to me with a sigh, "You matter to me, I matter to you, Jelly Bean matters to both of us. We need each other, hmm? Because we're a family."

"Do not think that Harry matters more, because it is not true!" Harry pulled back, scrubbing at his eyes. "You are always taking such good care of me and you matter so I want to take care of you, too!"

"You do take care of me," I promised. "You let me cuddle with you, you give me kisses... Harry, you're carrying my baby."

"Our baby," Harry cracked a grin.

"Our Jelly Bean," I nodded. "If that's not showing someone you care, I don't know what is."

Harry was soothed once again, so I resumed in sharing my breakfast with him. He grinned at me once we were finished, placing the plate and glass back on the nightstand before wiggling off the bed and leaning down to reach under the bed, "Um..."

"Kitten, what are you doing?" I asked him curiously.

He stood back up with the black box, sitting it down on the bed before pulling off his clothes. He tugged the covers off of me, crawling carefully so that he could pull down my boxers and press a kiss onto my abdomen, "For your birthday... and because we cannot do things when your family is here."

I lifted an eyebrow, "For my birthday, hmm? This has nothing to do with you wanting me to make you feel good?"

Harry giggled, but he simply dropped down and took me into his mouth, effectively ending the conversation. Once Harry had given me the present that benefited the both of us, we took a shower, I gave Harry his vitamins, and then I sat Harry down on the couch with Lucy to watch Aristocats. However, I had to pick up the flat before my mother arrived, so I attempted to walk towards the kitchen.

Harry whimpered, "You do not want to watch with me?"

"I do Kitten, I do," I insisted, walking back over to kiss his forehead and then dropping down to kiss his tummy. "But I have to clean up the flat for my family."

"Jelly Bean and I do not mind that you are not cleaning," Harry's brow furrowed in confusion. "We are not cleaning either. I could help?"

"No, no, lovely," I chuckled. "For my mum and sisters, that part of my family. They might show up early, as well, because it's supposed to snow. You just stay and watch Aristocats, the cleaning won't take long."

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now