Chapter 17

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Karkat's P.O.V

You watch your morial and his matesprit, Eridan argue.

Eridan hasn't fully recovered mentally from the whole experience, he doesn't like being touched sexually, he starts to freak out. But you could only think that something happened in that place for him to act like that. He won't tell anyone what happened, all you know is that Gamzee did some real damage to his body, soul, and mind.

"Eridan, you havwe to tell us wvhat he did to you." Cronus was trying yet again to get him to talk. Eridan just shakes his head and covers his eyes.
"No! I don't want to remember it!!!" He screams, he says that every time someone asks him, he was more likely to talk to Mituna before anyone else.

"Let me try. Come with me Eridan." Mituna brought Eridan into another and glared at us,
"Don't try to come into the room, I'll kill all of you if you do. Thi5 i5 a private matter." He was scary when it came down to Eridan, but that's because of him and Sollux's matesprit. You all nod and he goes into the room with an unwilling Eridan.

Mituna's P.O.V.

You were tired of seeing Eridan like this, he was scared of psychical contact in general.
"Eridan are you okay?" You ask, he was sweating, he was looking everywhere but you're eyes. You grab his hand and he relaxes, it confused you, but you don't plan to ask. If you made it comfortable to talk, then you will do what you can.

He takes a deep breath and starts.
"You see, Gamzee wwas brutal the first couple of wweeks, but after that, he became nice. He..." He starts crying and you hold him, rocking him back and forth.

"Mituna, he's not going to want me after this!!! I'm so fucking dirty, soiled, I'm not fit for him!!! What should I do Mituna!??!!" He cries and you resist the urge to cry with him, he needed you to be strong, you take a deep breath and say slowly,
"You're 5afe here. I highly doubt 5ollux would leave you for 5omething you had no control over. If he doe5, then we'll kick hi5 a55 for you. I got you, no matter what you and 5ollux are going through, you can come to me for anything. And I mean ANYTHING. 5ame with Kan, he feel5 the 5ame way." He sniffles and looks at you with a small smile.

"Thank Mituna. You knoww, you givve good advvice, and I wwill take you up on your offer. Don't go back on your wword noww." He says the last part teasingly, and you giggle.
"Okay, let'5 get back Cro. I mi55 him already." You say, and he looks at you curiously.
"Hm?" You look back at him and he fiddles with the hem of his shirt.

"Wwhy are you wwith Cronus? Howw did you come to lovve him?" You ponder on that and snap your fingers,
"Becau5e, don't tell anyone, e5pecially Cronu5, but he had flu5hed feeling5 for me back when we were friend5. I wa5 with Latula at the time, 5o I didn't 5ay anything about it.

Anyway, once Latula broke my heart in a very cruel and fucked up way, 5ollux a5ked me did I want another mate5prit, and I wa5... Hoping he wa5 talking about Cro, and when he 5aid it wa5, I jumped for Joy. I know it 5eem5 cliché, but I really mi55ed the friend I had back then.

I accepted it, it took 5ome time to get u5ed to Cro'5 way5, but believe me, I am truly flu5hed for him." You told your story, he sits there attentively listening to you. You smile, he was easier to deal with than Cronus, he sighs and looks at you with hopeful eyes.
"I think I'm ready to tell Sol. Thanks Mituna." He says and walks out. You decide to take a nap and find out what happens later, that's what Kankri and Cronus is there for. They'll keep the two in check. You think about them as you drift to sleep.

{Time skip- 3 hours later}

You wake up to the sound of a vase being thrown. You run out the room to see Sollux and Eridan arguing, nobody seems to able to do anything.

You were Never Broken                          A Homestuck fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن