Chapter 15

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[Trigger warning: Troll abuse, some other dark shit, and Gamzee being a douchebag.]

Eridan's P.O.V

"Gamzee, )(as )(e awoken yet? I can't wait to play wit)( )(im."


"O)(, you're awake. Let me make a proposal for you." She says grinning and you glare at her.
"What?" You spat out, she was rubbing you the wrong way, she had you scared, mad, and angry all at the same time.

"Give Sollux to me and nobody gets injured today." She sneered and you flinch.
"No! Why would I?!" You keep your voice firm, she was trying to intimidate you, but you would beat her at her own game. Her grin turned wild, and you resist the urge to punch her, but you would never hit a girl.

"You don't love )(im, you probably used your magic on )(im. Make )(I'm believe )(e loves you." Her sneer got worse and worse, you have never been so afraid in your life.
"Why would I even do that?! It's not my fault he fell in love with me and not you! Fef, your the Heiress, you can have anyone you want! Stop trying to take away my happiness!" You sob, and she appears to be shock.

")(ow am I taking away your )(appiness?!"
"Because, I finally found someone who will love me, and you're trying to take it away!" You scream and Gamzee raises his hand to slap you.
"Stop Gamzee!" Her icy cold voice now seems so compassionate and caring. He lowers his hand and clenches it,
"WHY CAN'T I HURT HIM?! HE YELLED AT YOU! HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO MOTHERFUCKING TALK TO YOU LIKE THAT!!!!" He screams and your blood runs cold. He was much worse when he was sober, that's one of the reasons you kept your mouth shut.
"Gamzee, don't )(urt )(im. I'll deal wit)( )(im. Leave now." She commands quietly, and he solemnly walks away, glaring at you the whole way out.

"Now that it's just the two of us, let's talk for real. You seem super scared of him, why's that?" She questions and you look up at her with tears in your eyes.
"'M sorry Fef.." You simply say, with your head hanging down low. She gasps, and marches to you.
"What did you just say?" You turn your head away from her eyes and clench your teeth.
"I asked what did you just say?!" She screams and you just keep your eyes on the ground. You won't play her mind games, you will just wait for Sol to save you.

"Sol isn't coming. He doesn't know I exist. Why?! Why can't he love both of us?!" She must have read your mind, or else there would be no way she would know what you were thinking. Your sensitive ears pick up the tone of distress, you look up in time to see pink tears falling on your face from her eyes.
"Fef? Are you crying?" You breathe out, you may not be her morial anymore, but you still don't want to be the reason she was crying.
"Shut up, he should chose us both! I can give him what you can't: a glubbing child! You may satisfy him, but should he ever want his own children, I would gladly become a bitch he knocks up pregnant!" She sobs even harder than before.

"Fef. It's okay. Come, sit with me." You say to her, she sniffles and snuggles in you.
"You're not deranged like everyone thinks. You just want someone to love you." You sigh, and rub small circles in her back. She whines and holds you.
"Damn...Fef, want to be my morial again?" You speak and she nods in your chest, and you smile. 'I knoww Fef better than anyone. She isn't like that, she's kind, compassionate, and has a good character.' You thought with a small smile.

"PRINCESS, YOU OK IN THERE? DID HE DO SOMETHING WRONG?" Gamzee's voice called from behind the door, you and her both freeze at the voice, trying to calm your breathing.
"I'm fine Gamzee, just go. I'm having a nice conversation with -Eridan." She says, shaking and paling like you were at the moment.
"Fef, is he sober?" You ask, slightly scared, a sober Gamzee was not one to mess with. She nods shakily and your blood runs cold.

You were going to die.

"PRINCESS, OPEN UP. I NEED TO KNOW IF FISHDICK IS TREATING YOU RIGHT." You both remain still, and he starts jingling with the lock. You look at each other, and the exact same thing pass through your minds.

'It's all over.'

"THAT'S IT, I'M BUSTING IN." He gave a warning, and the door creaks under the pressure. He looks at you with disgust, he looks at her, and upon seeing her tears, he growls.
"WHAT DID YOU MOTHERFUCKING DO?!" He grabs her and craddles her to his chest, he glares at you and your blood runs cold yet again.
"-Eridan didn't do anything! He was just trying calm me down!" Feferi was quick to defend you, but this seems to anger him even more.
"PRINCESS, LET ME HANDLE HIM." He spoke with rage, but then through the irony of it all, it did suit him. After all he was the Bard of Rage. She looks at you with a look of pity, and left. Once the door was closed, he grinned.


"YOU KNOW, I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE YOU MOTHERFUCKING SCREAMING IN AGONY. NOW I CAN." He says and you scream. He grabs your hair and takes you in for a very rough kiss. He bites your bottom lip and you scream, he grins.
"GODS. I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE FUN WITH YOU." He puts your hands in chains and you start getting scared. He was sober, so anything was fucking possible.

"G-Gamzee. Please let me go... Anything but that. Please anything." He smirks and pushes you on the bed and rips your clothes off.
"Gamzee! Please anything but that!!!!" You scream, tears falling down your face. His smirk didn't leave his face, instead, it got worse.
"LET'S HAVE LOTS OF FUN ERIDAN!" He screams and he plunges in you forcefully. You scream ring through the place.

{Time skip - a few months later}

Gamzee was abusing you left and right, you had long given up on seeing Sol again. You most likely would die here, you became more cooperative with him, so long as he was gentle.

"HEY ERIDAN." He speaks to you and your lazily look at him.
"Yes?" You reply politely, if you don't make him mad, he goes very gentle with you.
"I THINK I'M TIRED OF YOU. I MAY JUST KILL YOU, BUT THEN AGAIN, YOU ARE A SEADWELLER. I RATHER NOT, HOW ABOUT YOU STAY AS MY PET?" He smiles sweetly and you just stare and just nod. If you were going to have to stay here the rest of your life, you rather be on Gamzee's good side.

"GOOD. NICE TO KNOW YOU WON'T EVER TRY TO ESCAPE. RIGHT?" His voice lace with suspicion. You shake your head and lean on him.
"Gamzee?" You ask, slightly scared.
"Yes?" His smiles stays there and he looks at you happily.
"Wwill you at least tell me if Fef is alright?" He looks thoughtful and conflicted for a second, but he starts talking.
"SHE'S MOTHERFUCKING FINE MOTHERFUCKER. SHE LEFT THE SAME DAY YOU GOT HERE." He says with a sad smile. You didn't like that look, you decide to make him feel better.

You kiss his lips lightly, and he gasps. You are never the first one to act first, you usual went with Gamzee's flow. He smiles in the kiss and pulls you to him, deepening the kiss, leaving you without much air.


You both move back to see someone standing at the door yelling,
"I found Eridan!!!!"

Hey, so this arc is short. But that's because I figured I would make a sequel to this. That is if you guys want. Vote!
(1) I make a sequel
(2) I extend this
(3) or leave it the way it is.

You were Never Broken                          A Homestuck fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin