Chapter 14

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Sollux's P.O.V.

You woke woken up by the sound of your computer pinging. Seems like someone was trolling you.

cuttlefishCuller [CC] began trolling TwinArmageddon [TA]

CC: )(ey Sol :)

CC: w)(y aren't you answering me?

CC: did I do something wrong?!

CC: Sol! Answer me please!!

TA: what the fuck do you want Feferii?!

TA: iit'2 fuckiing 4 iin the morniing?! Why are you wakiing me up?!

CC: Glub. T)(ank goodness you answered! I need you to do me a favor as the future empress...

TA: god2 leave me alone. Ii'm not breakiing up with ED.

CC: Sol, you can't refuse t)(is! )(e will backstab you!!! Stay away from )(im! Come back to me and you'll never )(ave to sea )(im again!

TA: Feferii Peiixes. Iif you DO NOT leave me alone about some bull2hiit, Ii wiill personally eradiicate you wiith my p2iioniic powers!

CC: Just give me anot)(er c)(ance. I'll prove to you t)(at I'm t)(e better option!

TA: Feferii. No. Ii'm wiith ED, and Ii love him very much. What me and you had, iit'2 not coming back. I don't plan two see you ever again.

TA: Eriidan iis goiing two talk two you now. You WIILL be niice!

You let him sit in your lap, and he begins typing on the computer. He looks at you for confirmation, and you nod.

TA: hey Fef....

CC: w)(at are you doing at )(is )(ouse?!

TA: One, he's my matesprit. Twwo, wwe livve together. Three, he's mine Fef. I don't plan on givving him to you.

CC: yep, you're -Eridan. W)(y are you taking everyt)(ing away from me?! W)(at )(ave I ever done to you?!

TA: Fef. Just find another person to be your matesprit. You don't necessarily havve to havve Sol. I'm pretty sure you can find someone else.

CC: no! I want Sollux!

TA: Fef. He's mine. Stop this nonsense.

CC: I will )(ave Sollux, one way or another.

cuttlefishCuller [CC] stopped trolling TwinArmageddon [TA]

"Over my dead body bitch." He mutters angrily and you look at him.

You both stare at the screen and shiver.

"What the fuck wa2 her problem?!" You say and he shrugs.
"Let's go back to bed." He says yawning, he woke up once you left the bed. He was tired seeing as his job kept him working overtime.

"Okay, come let me hold you." You say and he wraps his arms around you and your legs gets tangled together. You two eventually fall asleep, holding hands and kissing each other sweetly.

{Time skip- 12 pm}

You watch as Cronus and Mituna play wrestle. They had been getting along a lot better than you and Eridan thought.

"5top Cronu5!! It'5 two much!! Hahahahahaha!!!" You hear Mituna laughing as Cronus tickles him. Cronus stayed true to his word, Mituna started learning how to talk without his quirk. Now he just had a lisp like you do.

Eridan's P.O.V.

You giggle and lay next Sol, you had a bad feeling about today, but you push away.

"Y9u tw9 are s9 ann9ying... Shut the fuck up will ya?!" Kankri yells and Karkat busts out laughing, you two look at each other and shrug. It took all of you awhile to get used to Kankri's new way of talking. He was like a older, meaner, and nastier version of Karkat, and they were quite the duo.

The Vantas were matesprits.

"Karkat, make Kan stop being so mean..." Cronus whines, and Mituna smirks, and kisses Cronus on the mouth gently.
"M-M-Mituna...w-wvhy wvould you do that?!" Mituna smiles and holds Cronus' hand, for a couple built on a failed relationship, they truly love each other, even if Mituna can't voice it much.

"I love you Cro.." He kisses him on the cheek and Cronus blushes. You two laugh and you whisper to Sollux,
"They act like wwe do, they are cute together though." He nods and you two watch everyone.


"Ii'll kiill the biitch iif 2he triies anythiing. She wiill not get ED." Sol growls and you smile, you truly do love this man.

"We 5hould probably 5tick together. And everyone be on your guard. That i5 if we want to keep 5ol and ED 5afe." Mituna says seriously and you all just stare at him.
"What are you all 5taring at me for?" He asks and you continue to stare at him.
"Plea5e 5top 5taring at me!" He growls and you all just start laughing.
"Mituna we're s9rry, the 9nly reas9n we were laughing at y9u, was 6ecause that's the m9st we've ever heard y9u talk. We didn't mean to stare, 6ut it was s9 damn funny!" Kankri states and you all nod, and he pouts.

"Why didn't you just 5ay 5o?" He hugs Cro and he chuckles. You all get quiet, until you say you need to go get groceries. Sol objects to it, but if you don't, you two won't have any food for the next week, so he unwillingly allows you to leave, warning you to be careful.

On your way to the store, you were grabbed by a stranger's hand. You struggle, but their grip is too much for you, and you soon black out...


You woke up startled, by the feeling of ice cold water being poured on your face.
"ARE YOU AWAKE YET?" A deep voice says and you cough, some of it had gotten caught in your throat.
"Where the fuck am I?" You gasp, and you feel a sting across your face.
"SEE, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BE GOOD. NO TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT, AND YOU'LL BE JUST FINE." Wait. You knew that quirk anywhere, it was Gamzee.

"Gamzee, )(as )(e awoken yet? I can't wait to play wit)( )(im."


Cliffhanger!!! I did mention there were at least 3 arcs for this story didn't I? Well if I haven't, then yes, there will be at least 3 arcs for this story,
I. Introductions
II. The kidnapping
III. conclusion

Now, there may be another arc, I don't know, I have most of story planned out, and I may just add another arc during the writing process.

Some chapters may be longer than others.

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