Chapter 3

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Eridan's P.O.V.

Last night was the best. You had so much fun with Sol that we forgot to tell your dancestors we would be late.

You stumble into you house at 4 am to see your dancestor looking at you crossed.
"Eridan Ampora! Wvhat time is your curfewv?!" Cronus bellows making you cringe at his might. You stumble to form a complete thought, and he screams again making you hurry up your thinking.

"12." You say slightly scared. He could be a force to reckon with when mad. He looks at you with anger flashing through his beautiful features.
"Exactly. Wvhat time is it novw?!" He bellows once more, you shrink into yourself to hopefully hide yourself.

But of course it only makes him angerier.

"Vwhat are you fucking hiding for?! It's your fault that you're being screamed at!!!! You knovw that you're supposed to be home at 12!!!! Wvhy are you JUST nowv wvalking in the door?!" He raises his hand, and you unconsciously flinch to avoid being hit. He seems to notice this, and puts his hand down.

"Gods. I'm so sorry if I scared you." You heard him say in a whisper, his eyes casted down. You look up with tears in your eyes, and sniffle.
"I'm sorry for wwalking late!!!!" You sob out, you hate making him worry, it always leaves a sour feeling in your gut.

He looks at you with nothing but guilt showing. He moves to you, picks you up, and hugs you tightly. You hug him back, apologizing in your head over and over.
"Shit. I didn't mean to get like that. It's just that I wvas going crazy wvondering wvhere you wvas all this time! You didn't call, text, or even leawve me a message!" He explains quickly, his voice showing his true panic.

"You wwere wworied?" You ask, and he finally breaks down.
"Of course I wvas!!!!!" He cries, and you just stare. Your dancestor, Cronus was worried about you. You clear all the doubts out of you head, and hold him. He sobs and grips your shirt in a death grip. You mutter sorry over and over, trying to make up for causing him to worry.

At 7, after 2 hours of just sitting there holding him, you neither Cronus wanted to move, but you had to. Sollux would be over soon, and you didn't want to get the wrong idea.

"Cronus. We need to move." You say but get no response.
"Cronus?" You look down, and he's put cold, snoring lightly. You put him in my bed, because he doesn't like sleeping by himself.

'He really needs someone other than me and Kankri to take care of him. He should get a matesprit already.' You thought with a frown. He had feelings for Mituna, Sollux's dancestor, but Mituna is obviously in a matesprit with Latula. So he keeps his feelings to himself, and he suffers for it greatly.

You, Kankri, and Sol are the only ones who know this. Kankri knows because he confessed to Cronus, but was turned down. Even though Kankri was willing to become Mituna's substitute, Cronus didn't want to treat him unfairly. So they became friends with benefits you guess, when Cronus had an episode, Kankri would calm him down.

You hear the door bell and run down the stairs.
"Wwho?" You say as you fix yourself up, you had messed up you hair, but you had to look decent for Sol.
"Kankri." You blink, and open the door, to see Kankri looking very different from usual.
"Kankri wwhat's wwrong?" You ask slightly concerned.

Kankri, who was usually so neat and tidy, looks like a hot mess. His black hair was all over the place, his eyes were void of emotion and puffy, he looks as if he threw on what he has on.

He just looks at you and asks you in a tired voice,
"Where's Cr9nus?" You blink and usher him inside. You put on the kettle, seeing as he looks like he needs something to calm him down.
"I asked where is Cr9nus?" You hear say again as he sits down on the couch. You ignore him and race to your room. 'Should I really wwake him after him he barely got any sleep last night because of me? But Kankri looks like he needs him. I'll wwake him up and tell him that Kankri needs him.' You thought as you open the door and see him laying there, asleep.

"Cronus? Sorry to wwake you up, but Kankri is here and he looks like he needs you badly." You say as you shake him awake, it works and his eyes open slowly as if he is still processing what you said.

"Kankri?" You hear him grumble. You nod and he gets up.
"Wvhere is he nowv?" He yawns, you lead him downstairs where Kankri is sitting there with his head in his hands.
"Kankri, wvhat's vwrong baby?" He tries to get a reaction out of Kankri, but Kankri says nothing.
"Kankri?" Cronus says a little more urgent, and shakes Kankri hard.
"Cronus, wwhat are you doing?! You aren't supposed to do that!!!!" You yell and try to stop him, he shot a look at you that clearly says, 'Stay the fuck out of this.'

You obey and step aside, unwillingly.

"Kankri, I need to you tell me wvhat's vwrong! Wve can't help if wve don't know what's wrong!" You hear Cronus yell, and Kankri just stares blankly at him.
"Cronus, something's seriously wwrong wwith him." You try to calm Cronus down, but Kankri finally decided to answer.

"I-I tried t9 tut9r Gamzee Maraka 6ecause he's failing every class, and I'm a student teacher wh9 can help him, 6-6ut when I walked int9 the classr99m, he was fighting my dancest9r, Karkat. Well I d9n't kn9w if it was Karkat's fault or Gamzee, 6ut when I tried t9 ask Karkat, he t9ld me I was a g99d f9r n9thing dancest9r wh9 c9uldn't get the man he l9ves, and I have n9 6usiness 69thering him, and I sh9uld just disappear and die.

S9 I ran 9ut after hearing that, and decided I w9uld g9 t9 y9u Cr9nus. I'm s9rry f9r intruding s9 early in the m9rning." He finishes, while crying once more. You knew he wasn't in the best of shape if he wasn't going on and on about triggers. Cronus rubs his back and you look at them, and say,
"Cronus, take him to bed. You twwo need it. I'll ask Sol if I can come a bit earlier than time, so calm him dowwn please. And Kankri," You say as you put on your overcoat, shoes, and move to turn off the kettle.


"Try to ignore Karkat for a couple of days. Stay here if needed, and don't let him get to you. You're special to Cronus in your owwn wway, that beats the typical matesprit quadrant. So don't feel bad, he doesn't knoww wwhat he's talking about." You finish seriously, bid them farewell.

Hey how's that? I honestly not trying get people read anymore, I just want to share and get criticism on this. I understand if my understanding of their typing quirks are off, and I do apologize. I'm still getting the hang of things.

I had to put in an emotional chapter.

-Yanase out.

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