A short walk later she found herself in a clearing with a massive stone wall looming just ahead. To the left, the trees and shrubs had converged on the small lawn that had once undoubtedly followed the walls all the way around the castle. That, combined with the fact that she seemed to have come out on the less used, more ramshackle part of the edifice, gave the scene a somewhat forgotten, mysterious feel. A flight of butterflies were disturbed by her presence and fluttered up into the air around her, the unexpected movement causing her feline body to instinctively launch at them before she could stop it. When she hit the ground again she felt ridiculously silly about it and forced her body to sit. Then she spent a moment just gazing at their delicate, colourful little wings as they made the scene appear even more other-wordly. It was mesmerizing.

Finally her little insect companions decided to seek out a safer refuge, so she stood and continued her exploration.

She leapt up some of the fallen stones, marvelling at how her large padded feet seemed to stretch out and absorb the harder surface for perfect grip. She also noted how her balance seemed impossibly flawless with the aid of her lovely long tail. Sierra hopped noiselessly from one boulder to the next, picking her way along as she steadily rose higher and higher until she eventually emerged on what was left of the eastern tower. The view was breath-taking: miles and miles of the most captivating, ancient forests stretched out before her as they rose and fell with the topography of the land. Little glimpses of river sparkled brilliantly between it all, like a pretty piece of ribbon woven artfully into a massive tapestry. There was a large lake to the north of the tower, the various depths of its waters shown clearly by the varying shades of blue visible from that height.

Sierra blinked at the lake, not quite sure what to make of the massive shadow that was travelling effortlessly through it. From her vantage point it was as clear as day and the tiger part of her seemed to contemplate the quick, jerky movements with decided interest.

That is one massive fish! I wonder what it would taste like...

She watched quietly through the gap in the tower wall, somewhat spellbound as the shadow danced gracefully a short while – almost as if it was enjoying the extra room in the lake after enduring the narrower confines of the river. Then the shadow seemed to change shape, the front part widening out and growing a pair of arms as it made its way closer to the edge of the lake.

Arms!? What the...???

Suddenly a woman's head broke the surface and she lingered in that spot a while, her newly sprouted arms swaying rhythmically at her sides as though to keep her head above water. About a minute later she finally completed her exit, her hip-length, water-logged hair tumbling down her shoulders and clinging to her naked skin as she rose steadily from the lake.

Sierra swallowed to moisten her mouth and realised that she'd been staring in slack-jawed amazement at the spectacle.

Is it possible? Is it... a mermaid? Why do I feel like an idiot just thinking that? Maybe they gave me something and I'm high...

Sierra watched the woman walk over to a pile of clothing folded neatly on a rock nearby and decided to hop down from her lofty viewing platform in order to make her way over to her and find out more. By the time she arrived at the fish-woman's side, the creature had just finished dressing her short, wraith-like form. The stranger glanced casually over her shoulder at Sierra, then did a double-take before spinning around to face her more fully.

"You're not Adam," she noted cautiously, taking a step back.

Her voice was soft and melodic with a strong German accent. Her impossibly long, blonde hair, defined cheekbones and crisp features were a flawless compliment to her voice. Sierra blinked, belatedly realising she should have probably changed back to human form before approaching. Her sensitive feline nose took in the strong fish smell lingering on the woman's skin.

Challenged - Skinwalker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now